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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.1245333 [View]
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>> No.1237185 [View]
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>> No.1234945 [View]
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Oh god please fuck my ass.

>> No.1229792 [View]
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Hey /lit/, I recently finished House of Leaves, which was a very interesting read and would recommend it to anyone into paranormal in a real scenario stuff. I need a new book to read, got any suggestions?

>> No.1226567 [View]
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Hey, /lit/. After seeing this book discussed so fucking much here, I've picked it up and started reading it.

Holy shit. This is amazing. I'm only on Chapter 2 and I'm in love. Thanks, guys, for the recommendation.

Let's have a recommendation thread.

>> No.1218287 [View]
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/lit/ seems to have a love-hate relationship with this one, but it's definitely related: we have an unreliable narrator commenting on a story by a second unreliable narrator.

>> No.1205418 [View]
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House of Leaves anyone...?... O.o

>> No.1202126 [View]
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Okay, heres what i got from this:
the old man is olhaldo from enders game, thats why hes blind but can somehow see well enough to describe shit 24/7
the monster is a ghostdragon, obviously
the house is really a house man, from space, that wants a relationship, thats why hes constantly changing, because he feels as though change is the only way he will ever be accepted, but no matter how much he changes, he will always be a house, and therefore incapable of having a relationship with a human woman

the moral: no matter how much you change, you cant change who you are


>> No.1189121 [View]
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>> No.1181157 [View]
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How does /lit/ feels about ebooks?

I really (REALLY REALLY REALLY) want to read House of Leaves, but I'm broke as fuck and can't buy a copy. The ebook is easy to "acquire", however.

This isn't a moral or financial question, as I'd buy it in a heartbeat if I could afford it. It's a question of "Is not reading it better than reading the ebook?"

>> No.1178492 [View]
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read House of Leaves, it's like Paranormal Activity crossed with Jersey Shore.

>> No.1171541 [View]
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So what's the scariest book you've read? I have to say mine's House of Leaves, but it's not all that scary, just cool. I have a hard time finding books that are genuinely freaky. Any suggestions?

>> No.1139403 [View]
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Hey /lit/

What's your opinion on this book? I really liked it, but I was wandering what you all thought of it.

>> No.1113403 [View]
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Need a new book soonish, been wanting to read it for a while since it sounds very interesting, i'll get it if they don't have Stephen Hawking's new book next time i'm at my local book shop.

>> No.1089714 [View]
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Why is nobody talking about this book anymore? It was pretty famous on /lit/

>> No.1072449 [View]
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So I just finished this book, and what the fuck did I read.

I feel like I enjoyed the book the whole way through but not sure if I understood most of it. How was Navidson reading the book in exploration 5?

>> No.1056439 [View]
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I thought it was pretty incredible. Towards the end (I won't ruin it if you haven't finished it) the page layouts become pretty incredible and IMO add so much to the overall feel of the text. And for an added bonus when you finish it, try to figure out all the coded messages in the footnotes.

>> No.1047129 [View]
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just finished house of leaves. any other suggestions for cool Ergodic literature>

>> No.1035264 [View]
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Johnny Truant got away with it.

>> No.1030173 [View]
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>> No.1021756 [View]
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hola /lit/, i'm looking for a good horror book that isn't all blood and gore, but also paranormal and sucks you into it. Something that will keep me in suspense, or keep me glued reading it.
Also thoughts on "house of leaves"

>> No.1004669 [View]
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Been thinking on buying it, then i read the reviews (which are polarized) and now i'm not that sure of what to do.

What do you people think about it?

>> No.1002381 [View]
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House of Leaves.


>> No.1000087 [View]
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If only this were our get... Stupid flood detection.

I seemed to have lost my copy, and I have the itch to flip through some of the pages to find whatever could be tucked within...

I remember finding an interesting typo where the Navidson report shifts to first person, making me wonder if Zapano is Tom.

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