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>> No.15268711 [View]
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The post-Buddhist primary Upanishads are not Buddhist-influenced, but in any case the pre-Buddhist Brihadaranyaka Upanishad also mentions maya when it says that Brahman appears to be manifold because of maya in verse 2.5.19., and there are multiple verses in the pre-Buddhist Chandogya Upanishad which use the analogies of clay, gold etc to explain how change is unreal and that the unchanging basis of Brahman alone is real.

>'May I be many, may I grow forth' (Ch. Up. VI, 2, 3).
Yes those famous passages are also non-dualism my friend. The doctrine of maya doesn't mean that there was never any creation or projection of the world whatsoever, it merely means that the creation/projection/etc only happened in an illusory manner, the world was created 'as it were'. That's why Svetasvatara Upanishad verse 4.9. says "Brahman projects the universe through Its power of maya", the universe is being projected by Brahman which is why it appears, but it is only through the power of maya, which is why Svetasvatara Upanishad verse 1.10. says "by the knowledge of identity with Him, one attains, in the end, cessation of the illusion of phenomena."

>'The being (purusa), of the size of a thumb, resides in the body (prakriti)' (Ka. Up. II, 1, 12)
This is also non-dualism, because that comes from the Katha Upanishad, and in the Katha Upanishad it says that the Purusha is both the Self and Brahman. As the Self and Brahman are both the Purusha they are really 3 names for the same entity. The Prakriti consisting of the body is part of the illusion created by Brahman's power of maya.

"The Purusha, not larger than a thumb, the inner Self, always dwells in the hearts of men."
Katha Upanishad 2.3.17.

"He, the Purusha, who remains awake while the sense−organs are asleep, shaping one
lovely form after another, that indeed is the Pure, that is Brahman and that alone is called
the Immortal."
Katha Upanishad 2.1.8.

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