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>> No.14861503 [View]
File: 240 KB, 735x587, Kuniyoshi_Old-Buddhist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am indeed "obsessed" with denying the proliferation of evil and disgusting acts. Are you not?
Pic related is what your degenerate relativistic pagan philosophy leads to, even in an epic "Muh Warrior Samurai And Blood & Steel!!" traditional society like Japan.

I'm actually Russian, so thankfully I did not need to "convert" out of crypto-pagan protestant degeneracy.
Бyддизм и любaя вocтoчнaя "филocoфия" в цeлoм (включaя Eвpoпeйcкиe oтpocки, пpoиcхoдящиe oт oднoгo иcтoчникa пocлe paзpyшeния Baвилoнcкoй Бaшни) нeизбeжнo и вo вceх cлyчaях вeдёт к мaccoвoмy пидopcтвy и aнaльных ceкcy, тaк кaк нe зaпpeщaeт тaкyю бoгoпpoтивнyю дeятнocть нa caмoм выcoкoм ypoвнe peaльнocти. Cтoит тoлькo пocмoтpeть нa пoвeдeниe кpиптo-бyддиcтких Гpeкoв.

>Majority of traditional/perennial ways are firmly in support of traditional relationships and firmly against homosexuality.
I don't dispute this, I'm just saying that they're degenerate relativists The issue is that there is no (and can be no, by construction and nature of the philosophy) ultimate prohibition of sodomy as a true metaphysical evil at the highest possible level of reality, because ultimately they all hold to some form of monism and the acts were mere illusion which only accrued negative bugman-tier karma social points without conceivably barring you from the highest possible realization since you can just reincarnate later.

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