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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.1606571 [View]
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> Hey Steven Erikson sucks
> Anon shrugs and continues reading the rest of /lit/

>> No.1056061 [View]
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he's written a couple trilogies outside of Faerun.

Demon Wars has at least 2 trilogies in it, he might be working on a third? brand new world, the magic is based on stones/willpower, more mana based than vancian.

Sword of Bedwyr is set in a derivative Britain-esque world. There's even a Robert The Bruce in the history of that world, and its much more human heavy than Faerun.

There's also Spearwielder's Tale that's about a guy reading LotR who wakes up in the land of Faerie, with leprechauns and all. In the third book, dude's wife quotes Merchant of Venice and the leprechaun recognizes it as the Bard.

i like salvatore a fair amount, but his books rarely bear rereading.

>> No.868399 [View]
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Gender: Male

Age: 24

Occupation: Unemployed. ;_;

Country: 'MURICA

Other boards your browse: /co/, /tv/ /m/ /v/ /r9k/ /toy/ /cgl/

Favorite book: Dark Tower Series, World War Z

Favorite music album: "Act II: The Father Of Death" by The Protomen

Favorite movie: Ghostbusters

Favorite TV series: Eureka, Chuck, Doctor Who

Comments: I don't read often enough. I started browsing /lit/ because I need to find more books to read.

>> No.528097 [View]
File: 64 KB, 400x375, coolstorybro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're looking for validation from public school you're already headed for failure. just get a job at a GM plant now so your future failure isn't as bad of a surprise.
protip: if you wanna become a write look for a school that has that as its basis, additionally look at what makes your field popular and profitable (psychology and economics of it here)

if you enjoy writing that much, write the novella for yourself. you can later put it in a portfolio or use it to see how terrible u used to be at writing (more likely the latter)

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