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>> No.19407495 [View]
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>be Neo-Nazi schizo
>spout utter nonsense

>> No.19275880 [View]
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Can't wait for Abby to look like this.

>> No.19236902 [View]
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Maybe don't commit crime or just be better at it so you don't get caught?

>> No.18080063 [View]
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Childbirth is hot though

>> No.17895299 [View]
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Mein Kampf
Zweites Buch
The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century
The Myth of the Twentieth Century

All works written by original Nazis (namely Hitler, Rosenberg, and Houston Stewart Chamberlain) that conceptualize Nazi views on race


The Myth of the Eastern Front
Hitler's Beneficiaries
Wages of Destruction
Marching into Darkness
Hitler's Bandit Hunters
Waffen-SS Divisional Histories (they're obviously written from a rather pro-Nazi perspective and tend to gloss over the rivers of blood that the SS left in its wake, but still provide a decent summary of their combat record, I personally own the volumes for the Leibstandarte, Das Reich, and Wiking divisions)

>> No.16627082 [View]
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She's staring in a perfect combination of shock and awe because she's never heard of, let alone, seen a Confederate before

t. commissioner

>> No.16575080 [DELETED]  [View]
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>September 16th, 1944
>Peter van Pels felt himself jerk back into the world of consciousness
>with his head still pounding from a sleepless night, he forced his eyelids open only to find a pair of ocean blue eyes starring at him
>Anne's eyes
>How long had she been lying there, staring at him?
>"Good morning, sleepy one."
>she smiled and kissed his head
>with her head raised, Peter could see the notebook and pen behind her, he noticed the page number had changed yet again from last night, she must've gotten up early and been writing for a while
>"You're up awfully late."
>Peter retorted, "Or maybe you're just up early."
>"Or maybe you wouldn't be oversleeping so much if you would eat properly."
>Anne would not let it go, Peter had been giving her most of his food for months now, he didn't need it, he was more than capable of surviving on what he did have
>"You need it Anne, for both of you."
>"Peter, I'm the size of a house, you've literally gotten so small that you would fit inside of me."
>"Don't count on it."
>as Peter moved, he felt himself brush up against Anne's belly
>his mind immediately filled with thoughts of it
>just being reminded of how big, round, and shiny it was instantly aroused him
>Anne must've felt him poking into her because she immediately moved until he was digging into her belly, teasing him
>Peter could feel his face go red with embarrassment
>"Oh no no no. Peter. You must save your strength, remember what we were planning for today?"
>Peter could, but the grogginess only made his arousal more intense than it would be in waking hours. He wanted his urges satisfied now, he needed it.
>"B-But Anne, you feel so good in the mornings."
>he knew that Anne knew this, but she decided to continuing toying with him anyway
>"Well maybe I could give you an appetizer..."
>Without another word, she yanked the blanket off both of them and straddled him
>for the first time, Peter could see her belly in all its glory
>it was so huge, so round, it was as if she had attached a planet to herself
>the blue veins ran across it like the world's great rivers from his old school textbooks, the Danube, the Rhine, the Nile, the Mississippi...
>the red marks, Anne found them so embarrassing, covered her belly like the great canyons and valleys that dotted the Earth, the Ruhr, Khyber Pass, the "Grand" Canyon, the Shenandoah…
>her popped belly button towered over the rest of her flesh as if it were Mount Everest and he was going to be the first to climb it
>Peter quietly swore to himself that if they survived this war, he would take Anne and their baby to all of these places
>she was so complete with her belly, he could hardly believe she still had another three weeks to go, the mere notion of it aroused to the point where he felt like as hard as stone
>Anne gently took his member and began rubbing it against her belly, the friction was so pleasuring that he closed his eyes and threw his head back


>> No.16559605 [View]
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But is she pregnant?

>> No.16546182 [View]
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Serious question, what happened to her?

>> No.16426661 [View]
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Leftist fag whose books stopped being scary a while ago.

>> No.16394366 [View]
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Are you the guy with the girlfriend who loved baby cows?

>> No.16172776 [View]
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>ywn be Peter pressing his face against Anne's heavily pregnant belly and feeling the life inside her try to kick its way out to meet its papa

>> No.16110288 [View]
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>September 16th, 1944
>Peter van Pels felt himself jerk back into the world of consciousness
>with his head still pounding from a sleepless night, he forced his eyelids open only to find a pair of ocean blue eyes starring at him
>Anne's eyes
>How long had she been lying there, staring at him?
>"Good morning, sleepy one."
>she smiled and kissed his head
>with her head raised, Peter could see the notebook and pen behind her, he noticed the page number had changed yet again from last night, she must've gotten up early and been writing for a while
>"You're up awfully late."
>Peter retorted, "Or maybe you're just up early."
>"Or maybe you wouldn't be oversleeping so much if you would eat properly."
>Anne would not let it go, Peter had been giving her most of his food for months now, he didn't need it, he was more than capable of surviving on what he did have
>"You need it Anne, for both of you."
>"Peter, I'm the size of a house, you've literally gotten so small that you would fit inside of me."
>"Don't count on it."
>as Peter moved, he felt himself brush up against Anne's belly
>his mind immediately filled with thoughts of it
>just being reminded of how big, round, and shiny it was instantly aroused him
>Anne must've felt him poking into her because she immediately moved until he was digging into her belly, teasing him
>Peter could feel his face go red with embarrassment
>"Oh no no no. Peter. You must save your strength, remember what we were planning for today?"
>Peter could, but the grogginess only made his arousal more intense than it would be in waking hours. He wanted his urges satisfied now, he needed it.
>"B-But Anne, you feel so good in the mornings."
>he knew that Anne knew this, but she decided to continuing toying with him anyway
>"Well maybe I could give you an appetizer..."
>Without another word, she yanked the blanket off both of them and straddled him
>for the first time, Peter could see her belly in all its glory
>it was so huge, so round, it was as if she had attached a planet to herself
>the blue veins ran across it like the world's great rivers from his old school textbooks, the Danube, the Rhine, the Nile, the Mississippi...
>the red marks, Anne found them so embarrassing, covered her belly like the great canyons and valleys that dotted the Earth, the Ruhr, Khyber Pass, the "Grand" Canyon, the Shenandoah…
>her popped belly button towered over the rest of her flesh as if it were Mount Everest and he was going to be the first to climb it
>Peter quietly swore to himself that if they survived this war, he would take Anne and their baby to all of these places
>she was so complete with her belly, he could hardly believe she still had another three weeks to go, the mere notion of it aroused to the point where he felt like as hard as stone


>> No.16064477 [DELETED]  [View]
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Post yfw Confederate soldiers show up to rescue the heavily pregnant Anne and she can't understand a single word coming from their mouths because their dialect is barely intelligible to native speakers

>> No.15924224 [View]
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>July, 1944
>Anne opened her right eye, peering her darkened room
>finally the dummkopf was asleep, his snores giving it away
>slowly and methodically, Anne pulled the covers off her aching body
>the night air was unusually warm, perfect
>Anne slowly pulled herself up, it was harder than she thought
>she put her hand on her belly and ran her hand along the curve
>where there was once slim and soft flesh, a hard round bump had replaced it
>it was heavy, and made sleeping on her back unbearable at times
>according to Margot, she was "only" seven months along, but Anne already felt ready to burst
>she was the size of a planet, and she still had another two months to go? Between her changing body and the non-stop quarreling, it made her life unbearable
>her diary had been devoid of entries for days, her mind too scattered by other thoughts to focus
>of course there was one thing that would make it bearable, to drive away the fear and shame her mind, if for just a few brief moments
>getting up onto her feet, Anne felt the bitterly cold wooden floor touch her toes, the splinters dug into her
>but she did not even bother trying to put on socks let alone shoes
>shoes made noise, and her feet were too swollen for anything to fit anymore
>half waddling, Anne crept towards her door, each creak sending a shiver up her spine
>resting herself against the door, Anne slowly pushed it open
>the Annexe was deathly quiet, apart from dummkopf's snoring and the pounding of her own heart
>Anne slid out of her room into the crammed hallway (made more so by her massive distended womb), carefully closing the door behind her
>she waddled about the hall towards his room
>at last reaching the door, Anne slowly pushed it open with her finger and peered inside with one eye
>she could see him lying fast asleep on a couch that was too short him
>Peter, the boy who had fathered her baby
>he was no more ready for fatherhood than she was for motherhood
>and yet, here they were, going to be parents before the end of Autumn
>quietly Anne slid into the room and past Mr. and Mrs. van Pels
>Anne remembered the the first time she had tried this and Mrs. van Pels had woken with a start
>fortunately she had been able to bluff her way out of it, after all the bathroom was so hard to find in this darkness
>she was sure however such an excuse would not work a second time
>as much as the Franks and van Pels quarreled and bickered, they agreed on one thing, keeping her and Peter apart
>still, Anne persevered


>> No.15851054 [View]
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What the fuck...

>> No.15659632 [View]
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>"The Jews were caught by surprise last month, and they had to whip up
>something in a hurry in order to deflect blame from Israel and from the
>U.S. government's support for Israel. Apparently the best they could do
>on a moment's notice is the explanation that Osama bin Laden attacked us
>simply because he hates our freedom and democracy.

How can the Jews be surprised when Smoloko is telling me that they're the ones who did it?

>> No.15492512 [View]
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>"Well maybe I could give you an appetizer..."
>Without another word, she yanked the blanket off both of them and straddled him
>for the first time, Peter could see her belly in all its glory
>it was so huge, so round, it was as if she had attached a planet to herself
>the blue veins ran across it like the world's great rivers from his old school textbooks, the Danube, the Rhine, the Nile, the Mississippi...
>the red marks, Anne found them so embarrassing, covered her belly like the great canyons and valleys that dotted the Earth, the Ruhr, Khyber Pass, the "Grand" Canyon, the Shenandoah...
>her popped belly button towered over the rest of her flesh as if it were Mount Everest and he was going to be the first to climb it
>Peter quietly swore to himself that if they survived this war, he would take Anne and their baby to all of these places
>she was so complete with her belly, he could hardly believe she still had another three weeks to go, the mere notion of it aroused to the point where he felt like as hard as stone
>Anne gently took his member and began rubbing it against her belly, the friction was so pleasuring that he closed his eyes and threw his head back
>after what seemed like an eternity of this torturous pleasure, he felt the friction stop and instead a pair of teeth and a tongue assaulting his senses
>the sensation became too much to bear and Peter felt himself slip into a mindless bliss


>> No.15418676 [View]
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>> No.15388769 [View]
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Give me another day or so to iron out this draft and I’ll post more

>> No.15359935 [View]
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>Which is a better primary source to learn about the beliefs of the nazis


>> No.15305576 [View]
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>The witch is Hitler

This desu

Who's the prince though?

>> No.15287399 [View]
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Is it wrong to like both this song and adamantly pro-war songs like Bonnie Blue Flag and To Arms in Dixie? I feel that even though they’re complete opposites, they have equally valid viewpoints. One is the view of a child who cannot understand the political nuances of conflict, and this other is of men who know what this war is about and believe firmly that theirs is a right and just cause.


>> No.15207753 [View]
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>"Augustus Waters," I said, looking up at him, thinking that you cannot kiss anyone in the Anne Frank House, and then thinking that Anne Frank, after all, kissed someone in the Anne Frank House, and that she would probably like nothing more than for her home to have become a place where the young and irreparably broken sink into love.
>"I must say," Otto Frank said on the video in his accented English, "I was very much surprised by the deep thoughts Anne had."
>And then we were kissing. My hand let go of the oxygen cart and I reached up for his neck, and he pulled me up by my waist onto my tiptoes. As his parted lips met mine, I started to feel breathless in a new and fascinating way. The space around us evaporated, and for a weird moment I really liked my body; this cancer-ruined thing I'd spent years dragging around suddenly seemed worth the struggle, worth the chest tubes and the PICC lines and the ceaseless bodily betrayal of the tumors.
>"It was quite a different Anne I had known as my daughter. She never really showed this kind of inner feeling," Otto Frank continued.
>The kiss lasted forever as Otto Frank kept talking from behind me. "And my conclusion is," he said, "since I had been in very good terms with Anne, that most parents don't know really their children."
>I realized that my eyes were closed and opened them. Augustus was staring at me, his blue eyes closer to me than they'd ever been, and behind him, a crowd of people three deep had sort of circled around us. They were angry, I thought. Horrified. These teenagers, with their hormones, making out beneath a video broadcasting the shattered voice of a former father.
>I pulled away from Augustus, and he snuck a peck onto my forehead as I stared down at my Chuck Taylors. And then they started clapping. All the people, all these adults, just started clapping, and one shouted "Bravo!" in a European accent. Augustus, smiling, bowed

Imagine being a fully grown and mature man and not only writing this, but publishing it in a well-known book.

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