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>> No.19791933 [View]
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I choose the fifth way

>> No.19237794 [View]
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fuck women.

>> No.18746465 [View]
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>O blessed one thus gone forth, what is the intrinsic nature of OP?
>that OP is a fag
>wonderful, wonderful master gotama, it exactly as you say, from this day forth I shall be based and redpilled
>and how shall we remember this discourse, anon asked
>bhikkus you shall remember this discourse as the Nibbafāgga Sutta

>> No.18520286 [View]
File: 107 KB, 500x637, enlightened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace it. Life is not meant to be comforting. Joy has no meaning without suffering. This is a shit day for you, that is your role. Survive it. No good story is just happy the whole time. You are the protagonist of your story, so act like it.

>> No.18373285 [View]
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Meh lets complete the cycle of posting and call you a seething, ressentiment-filled priest.

>> No.17437539 [View]
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Hey anons. I suffer from anxiety and ruminating thoughts and i got recommended eckhart tolles power of the now by a friend. I know lit seems to hate him with a passion because hes newage but his book really hit the nail on all my issues

>goal oriented happiness without enjoying the process
>regret and reliving the pain of the past
>always daydreaming about a brighter future
>desire leading to pain
>sex, drugs, work, money not filling the empty void
I reached every goal i set to myself and it was never enough, i always wanted more and more. The desire is endless. The bubble popped, i lived in delusions for years. I must admit that im selfish and narcissistic in nature. I dont know if i can live for others. Can practice change who i am and build more empathy?

Now im trying to follow his instructions on mindfullness but i want to go depper into the teachings and philosophy. I read his wiki and his main influences are jiddu krishnamurti and ramana maharshi but also zen and tao.

So the former 2 are hindu guys it seems. Should i continue with that or get into zen? Or start with theravada which is the genuine buddhist start?

>> No.17432700 [View]
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Hey anons. I suffer from anxiety and ruminating thoughts and i got recommended eckhart tolles power of the now by a friend. I know lit seems to hate him with a passion because hes newage but his book really hit the nail on all my issues

>goal oriented happiness without enjoying the process
>regret and reliving the pain of the past
>always daydreaming about a brighter future
>desire leading to pain
>sex, drugs, work, money not filling the empty void
I reached every goal i set to myself and it was never enough, i always wanted more and more. The desire is endless. The bubble popped, i lived in delusions for years.

Now im trying to follow his instructions on mindfullness but i want to go depper into the teachings and philosophy. I read his wiki and his main influences are jiddu krishnamurti and ramana maharshi but also zen and tao.

So the former 2 are hindu guys it seems. Should i continue with that or get into zen? Or start with theravada which is the genuine buddhist start?

>> No.17432578 [DELETED]  [View]
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is ego death meant to be permeant when reaching Buddhist/Hindu awakening? Or is it just a moment in which you realize and then go back to normal?

>> No.17318187 [View]
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>There's no middle ground.
yes there is

>> No.17316766 [View]
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is ego death meant to be permeant when reaching Buddhist/Hindu awakening? Or is it just a moment in which you realize and then go back to normal?

>> No.17239404 [View]
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holy fucking based

>> No.16909787 [View]
File: 107 KB, 500x637, GlaDv3N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and dhammapilled

>> No.16763387 [View]
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I am the same, good news is we're closer to enlightenment than normies. Take the buddhapill

>> No.16749485 [View]
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>tfw you realize that the Fall of Man is merely a distorted Jewish description of the transition from the Dvapara Yuga to the Kali Yuga, and a rejection of cycles, instead viewing history as going from merely point A to point B
Why are Abrahamics so intellectually impoverished? Any books on how Christianity and Judaism are merely degenerations of Sanatana Dharma?

>> No.16379070 [View]
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>> No.16202374 [View]
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people who live in fear love acting real strong.
Stoicism is fucking cuck shit, Zen is where its at.

>> No.15840766 [View]
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In college I watched a documentary about various Buddhist sects in Asia. In one of the monasteries they were teaching the young monks about Hegel. They were primarily studying Eastern philosophy but definitely didn't shy away from Western philosophy.

>> No.15672169 [View]
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Buddhism is an interesting middle way in terms of initiation because while there are lineages there is also a concept of sudden awareness. I was gardening a couple of years back and at the time I had been reading through the Pali canon, doubting concepts like samsara, when I saw an oppossum climb my neighbor's shed and make eye contact with me. In observing its deep eyes and little hands I felt it was indeed possible if not plausible that all that is can become other than it now appears to be in the future.

>> No.15666234 [View]
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>Just made this up on the spot, forgive me if it’s terrible
They say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Though I don’t think that’s true.
For beauty is inherent, deeper than the color blue.
There is nothing without beauty, it is shown in all things.
Accept these words in your heart, and you will see that it brings-
Happiness and joy, into all aspects of life.
For when you see only good, the world is without strife.

>> No.15656441 [View]
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for taoism idk but for Buddhism there are far better entry points
here are my reccomendations
>Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu - The Buddha's Teachings
>Shuryu Suzuki - Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
>Julius Evola - Doctrine of Awakening
Suzuki's book is the best one for practice, Bhikkhu's book is the best on QRD on the buddha and Evola's book is really good as a comparative study and exploration of the roots of Buddhism and its traditional significance - as well as clearing up various misconceptions that stem from bad translations. He also has a piece on Zen which is worth reading too.
Here are couple I've been reccomended myself that I am yet to check out
>Rupert Getthins - Foundations of Buddhism
>Frithoj Schuon - Treasures of Buddhism
>Franklin Merrell-Wolff - Pathways through to Space
Merrell-Wolff is supposedly amazing but physical copies of his books are kinda hard to track down.
Watts' hippie tendencies don't seem to be a good fit for the likes of Zen or Tibetan Buddhism imo so I personally would not trust him too much.

>> No.15304512 [View]
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I want to get into truly understanding Buddhism but I have no clue where to start.
I'm an Aristotelian so I'm looking for something like a metaphysical treatise, whether it be an equivalent to the Upanishads or the Summa Theologiae, just something systematic and comprehensive

>> No.14971439 [View]
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It's actually the desire to completely live with existence as is. Theories and views leads to nothing but antinomies and their entire point lies in trying to explain why reality is something other than what it is experienced as.

The bridge to noumenon is only possible with non-dual knowledge which is necessarily nondiscursive.

>> No.14766688 [View]
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The rope is not a snake. And there's no rope either.

>> No.14527677 [View]
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