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>> No.19069623 [View]
File: 557 KB, 1267x1600, Friedrich-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hmm today i will ramble incoherently
>by the way if you don't understand my incoherent ramblings you're (last man)
There is a definite bell curve that comes with Nietzsche. Drooling retards don't understand him at all, midwits think that he was a genius and anyone who criticizes him is stupid, and people of very high IQs understand that Nietzsche was himself a high IQ moron.

>> No.18787761 [View]
File: 557 KB, 1267x1600, Friedrich-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is most difficult to render ones self into a PICKLE, not only physiologically but spiritually, it is the great STRENGTH of the pickle race to have a crunchy IMPENETERABLE exterior, only few -enigmatic, industrious- men, those with the inexplicable ability to CONQUER can do it, the finesty examples of which are RICK SANCHEZ and BIG CHUNGUS

>> No.18753347 [View]
File: 557 KB, 1267x1600, crazy dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Later on, towards the middle of my life, I grew more and more opposed to alcoholic drinks: I, an opponent of vegetarianism, who have experienced what vegetarianism is, — just as Wagner, who converted me back to meat, experienced it, — cannot with sufficient earnestness advise all more spiritual natures to abstain absolutely from alcohol. Water answers the purpose. . . . I have a predilection in favour of those places where in all directions one has opportunities of drinking from running brooks. In vino Veritas: it seems that here once more I am at variance with the rest of the world about the concept 'Truth' — with me spirit moves on the face of the waters. . . . Here are a few more indications as to my morality. A heavy meal is digested more easily than an inadequate one. The first principle of a good digestion is that the stomach should become active as a whole. A man ought, therefore, to know the size of his stomach. For the same reasons all those interminable meals, which I call interrupted sacrificial feasts, and which are to be had at any table d'hôte, are strongly to be deprecated. Nothing should be eaten between meals, coffee should be given up — coffee makes one gloomy. Tea is beneficial only in the morning. It should be taken in small quantities, but very strong. It may be very harmful, and indispose you for the whole day, if it be taken the least bit too weak. Everybody has his own standard in this matter, often between the narrowest and most delicate limits. In an enervating climate tea is not a good beverage with which to start the day: an hour before taking it an excellent thing is to drink a cup of thick cocoa, feed from oil. Remain seated as little as possible, put no trust in any thought that is not born in the open, to the accompaniment of free bodily motion — nor in one in which even the muscles do not celebrate a feast. All prejudices take their origin in the intestines. A sedentary life, as I have already said elsewhere, is the real sin against the Holy Spirit.”

>> No.18693530 [View]
File: 557 KB, 1267x1600, Friedrich-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You understand Nietszche? Then explain how he grew such a massive stache.

>> No.18621687 [View]
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What would he think about 4chan?

>> No.18273194 [View]
File: 557 KB, 1267x1600, Friedrich-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone try to summarize this guys thoughts for me? I read Zarathustra once years ago but it's the only thing I've read of his and I don't think I picked up much of what it meant to say, maybe some bits and pieces (even if you don't understand it it is a pretty enjoyable read). I'm under the impression that a core thing is that the morality that we've been handed down is for a world that is no more (and that this is what it means that "God is dead"), and that therefore we must seek new morality that fits our new life.

>> No.17840564 [View]
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>This stretch of desert, exhaustion, loss of faith, icing-up in the midst of youth; this onset of dotage at the wrong time; this tyranny of pain surpassed still by the tyranny of a pride that refused the conclusions of pain - and conclusions are consolations; this radical seclusion as a self-def ence against a pathologically clairvoyant contempt for humanity, this !imitation in principle to what was bitter, harsh, painful to know, as prescribed by the nausea that had gradually developed from l an incautious and excessively luxurious spiritual diet - one calls it romanticism - oh, who could re-experience all of this as I did?

>> No.17201214 [View]
File: 557 KB, 1267x1600, Friedrich-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is he seen as a Nazi icon?

>> No.17058933 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 557 KB, 1267x1600, Friedrich-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inceldom breeds geniuses. In the past, when you couldn't get laid by your looks or personality alone, you had to make it up by at least being intellectual. This is why so many great minds were ugly and also incels. Nowadays, thanks to the internet, incels have woken up and realized that only face matters and everything else is cope, therefore they decide to either looksmax or LDAR and spend the rest of their lives complaining about women online. There are probably many geniuses in the incel community, many people that could change humanity as a whole but bring it forward, but sadly they know that intellectualism is ultimately a cope. Men realizing the true evolutionary nature of women was even worse than the death of God itself.

>> No.16777782 [View]
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because their pathetic impotence and desire for death doesnt allow them to get a strong hold of culture.

But, that being said, it is clear that this only applies to pessimist PHILOSOPHERS, but pessimist PHILOSOPHY is actually more and more mainstream in zoomers, with all that doomerism crap.

We are evermore near the Last Men...

>> No.16665965 [View]
File: 557 KB, 1267x1600, Friedrich-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the two writers who right-wingers shill the most both absolute failures who never lived up to their own ideals? Why do right-wingers always form cults around failed writers?
Claimed to descend from Polish nobility, had no such descent. Wanted to prevent an age of nihilism, kick-started it instead. Created the idea of the ubermensch, the overman, "fought" in the Franco-Prussian war from the backlines as a medic but couldn't stand the sight of blood, lived and died a depressed and diseased druggie.
Claimed to be a baron/descend from a baron, neither claims were true. Set forth another strong man idea, was a pussy who, in the only war he fought in, purposely joined the least dangerous part of the army (the artillery). Spent his entire life shitting on Christianity and building up the base of neo-Hinduism, reconverted to Catholicism on his deathbed.

>> No.15439525 [View]
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I'm finally reading Nietzsche for the first time, starting with Kaufmann's Beyond Good and Evil. I can't tell if it's bad translation, if Nietzsche is just too profound for a brainlet like me to comprehend, or if Nietzsche is nothing but a rambling lunatic, but this shit makes no sense. There are brief moments of lucidity and profundity, but half the sentences don't approach anything resembling clear, well-articulated thoughts. I'm pretty sure people are just afraid to admit Nietzsche's writing is complete nonesense, for fear that people will think they aren't deep enough to understand the incoherent ramblings of a schizophrenic pseud. You're all like art critics who would praise a painting by a chimpanzee if you were told it was by Jackson Pollock.

>> No.15222756 [View]
File: 557 KB, 1267x1600, neetch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does "Left-Nietzscheanism" exist?

>> No.14669049 [View]
File: 557 KB, 1267x1600, Friedrich-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you NEED to read the classics? Shakespeare, Homer, Dante, et al

What's the problem with just picking out books that appeal to you?

>> No.14329480 [View]
File: 557 KB, 1267x1600, Friedrich-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche also called money useless and lived off money given him by family and friends, always begging after it. And of course he lived as a withered retard completely dependent on others for the last part of his life.

I'm not sure why anyone can put stock in what Nietzsche says since he usually contradicts it somewhere else and even if he doesn't his actual life contradicts it in an embarassing way.

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