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>> No.18773522 [View]
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the vedas, the dhammapada, the tao etc.

The Gnostics know the science. at least the initiated ones, but they don't fully understand it because they use cancerous Abrahamism as their foundation.

They ask a legit question using legit Platonic foundations but they don't understand yugas so they think the material world now is the way it always is, which it isn't. They also don't understand karma. We are in what the Nords call midgard and the Vedics call Bhur-loka. This means we are in the middle, there are lower realms and higher realms. This loka is like what Christcucks call purgatory a kind of incubator for young souls so they don't pollute the higher realms. Or a place people who fail a grade get flunked back down too if you will.

Start with this to learn the schematics:
The Sacred Cosmology

This to learn the sceince:
What Is Reality? The Holofractal Universe

And lastly this for a layman friendly synthesis:
Multi-Dimensional Reality Described In The Vedas

In a sense the Gnostics are right, the demiurge is the "God" of this realm or this plane. It is no different than hindu or only more retarded and less knowlegeable.

Vishnu has many lords that watch over things for him but they are still all technically him, he just divides himself into different portions of concsinuess to perform different roles.

Krishna, Shiva, Brahma etc etc to eternity are all still Vishnu but they are also separate so you give them their own name. The demiurge is still part of the one, not separate from it so the Gnostic notion it is some rogue, malevolent God is nonsensical and childish once you understand this.

Start with this 5 min vid of Brahma talking to Krishna before the other articles. Trust me, follow this exact path and you should understand it all I think after this explanation to get you started.

Little Krishna speaks with Lord Brahma [Extract]

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