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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.7331222 [View]
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>read book
>know it's good, but you can't personally connect to it
>tfw because of that it will always remain unread in your life

>> No.7326860 [View]
File: 17 KB, 400x449, 7MUTn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I read to learn of the french revolution?

What should I read to learn of astronomy?

Cold war?

>> No.7309692 [View]
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What's a good astronomy book?

>> No.7286426 [View]
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>tfw you will never be a member of Starfleet

>> No.7211279 [View]
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>> No.7174344 [View]
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What are 10 books that are the bare minimum in terms of what you expect people to have read in the UK's society? I am contemplating not reading and just focusing on working for a while, and I kind of feel like the only reason I read is in case someone sees me as a pleb for not reading. I need 10 "canon" books to read so I can round out what I've already read in terms of entry level shit.

Feel free to put non-fiction. Also feel free to say Manufacturing Consent because I already own that book. Also don't say the bible or a book like Ulysses which requires 50 books to have been read before it.

>> No.7167166 [View]
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real human bean

>> No.7153264 [View]
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>buy books around a rate of 5/week
>read books at a rate of 0.25/week

>> No.7111558 [View]
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>reading book from foreign country whose history you know nothing of
>tfw you don't know if the story is commenting on the history or if there are parallels or what

>> No.7041937 [View]
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>want to write
>write a few stories
>tfw no ideas left

and I can't just start writing and see where it takes me because you usually have to have something in you to do that and I have nothing left.

am I not meant to be a writer?

>> No.7036544 [View]
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Everything I ever do is difficult.

>> No.7023264 [View]
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Why are we not perfect?

>> No.6962658 [View]
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>develop writing skills my whole life
>think of myself as the next great American writer
>work on something I think will be for mature and intellectual audiences
>send it to publisher
>they tell me it's good, but it will sell more if it's marketed as YA fiction
>mfw what I thought would be the next Notes From Underground or Crying of Lot 49 is sold as YA fiction

>> No.6945036 [View]
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>havnt hugged a girl in over 6 months

>> No.6931824 [View]
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>keep pronouncing Finnegans Wake as Finnegan's Wake to qt /lit/ girl at school
>she laughs every time you say it but doesn't correct you
>tfw she doesn't want to be reading buddies with you beacause of this

>> No.6911793 [View]
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>have dream where I'm happy (I'd rather not describe what happened in it)
>sad when I wake up, try to go back to sleep to go back, can't
>spend every night for the next month trying to return there in my sleep, can't
>spend every day for the next month trying to rewrite the dream from memory, but its fading
>still have the attempts, over a hundred pages written in stream of conscious

I still miss it.

>> No.6899849 [View]
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Man, I had so many pre-conceived ideas about history from the basic shit I learned in school that actually reading real history books is a mind-blowing experience.

Like how I though of Popes as these extremely regal, Chinese emperor-like figures that made and unmade kings with a word, when they were really very powerless and a lot of times were just bitches of various royal houses.

Or how the Roman Empire lasted well into the 15th century, hell how the Byzantine Empire was a thing that existed, I sure as hell never heard of it once in school.

Or how Alexander was just before Rome became a regional power. I always thought of him as being from around the Trojan War period a thousand years before Rome was ever a thing.

God, I am so stupid.

>> No.6869657 [DELETED]  [View]
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just rejected by word riot

>Thanks for the look but we'll pass on this one, we didn't think it was tight for us. But good luck with it, and feel free to try us again in three months.

>Word Riot

>> No.6863925 [View]
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>want to make a qt /lit/ gf
>go to cafe and read Finnegans Wake
>in only a few minutes a qt3.14 walks up to me
>"Wow, Finnegan's Wake. Are you having any trouble-"
>Me: "Finnegans"
>"...I'm sorry?"
>"The lack of an apostrophe is very important."
>she just looks at me weird and walks away
>tfw no girl can ever stand up to my vast intellect

>> No.6857225 [View]
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>tfw you don't enjoy writing any more

>> No.6852242 [View]
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>try to steal On the Road
>get caught, manager comments, "Wow how original"
>staff makes fun of me for being a beat pleb

>> No.6834979 [View]
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>too intellectual to attract women who take care of their outer appearance and who have god tier physical genetics

>> No.6832162 [View]
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>tfw too intellectual for gf

>> No.6735555 [View]
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>you will never be a homo

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