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>> No.11988433 [View]
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>Terribly interesting.

no diggity. i've had about four extra-strong red eye coffees today and no doubt this is affecting things slightly, but as i was saying earlier i think i've basically stumbled into all the necessary ingredients for a homebrew meme ideology and i very much like the idea of cribbing Zhu Xi's Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate to support it, not the least of which are because it looks eerily like the CCRU numogram but reflects my own nascently Neo-Confucian sensibilities that i am borrowing from YH, along with the overall Cosmotech thread of the whole thing.

it helps also that in my first deep-dive into Chinese metaphysics i actually did familiarize myself with Zhu Xi, who is basically like the Thomas Aquinas of Confucianism (and even lived around the same time). if Augustine is Confucius, Zhu Xi is Aquinas. it's not the craziest connection. but what i want to do is put together something like a Cosmotech + Anthropotech sensibility that doesn't incline people who read these threads to immediately Defenstration, Yes! inducing suicide or Ringu-style face-warping actually isn't how i would like to be remembered on /lit/. i'm actually a sentimental mushball by nature and, as i have said, my interest in the Wild Ride follows from Land's own blackpill > the blue and red pills, with the caveat that man cannot live on Deleuze and amphetamines alone.

i want a Fourth Pill
>*wipes t-shirt*
>and so on and so on

i filled up about fifteen pages of my notebook today and i forgot to take a picture of the little cafe i did it in, which was - i shit you not - next door to something called Media Accelerator or something. people were wondering why i was just standing there holding the door open, they thought i was being polite. i wasn't, i was literally just staring at the door and thinking what a bizarre bit of synchronicity that was. i meant to take a picture of it too but i forgot. tomorrow maybe, i'm definitely going back to see if i can recapture any of the magic.

there's something going on, is what i mean. i don't quite know what. but there's something fucking weird about this. i see no reason why a 21C acceleration-friendly neo-Confucianism isn't an entirely valid option for anybody trying to get through the shitstorm foisted upon us by capital and nymphomania and the Wild Ride. i am as excited about scribbling in a notebook on these themes as i have been in a long time.

anyways, here's the link on Zhu Xi for now. obviously there will be more later but i want to sort a few things out first in my head, sometimes it's good to let things percolate a bit.


also i had a really awesome picture of a fiction-machine generator i wanted to share with the cyberpunk fiction writer(s) ITT and i can't find it now, damn. i need to sort my images better. enjoy some Cosmotech filler art in the meantime.

#300 is coming up lads, who's ready to complete the System of German Idealism?

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