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>> No.23726703 [View]
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I finally finished this series and have mixed feelings about it. I loved the setting and the "history" and would gladly read books centered on the conquest, civil war, elections, etc. just for all those descriptions of basically everything. The world truly felt alive and inhabited in its own fucked up way and I am probably one of the few people who didn't mind reading endless pages about the architecture, clothing, all those rituals and so on.
On the other hand, I found the characters the weakest part. Every character that was not Osidian, Sardian or Ykoriana was either a non-entity or just incredibly one-note and this was a problem in particular with the Plainsmen, with whom I was supposed to sympathise, but who instead ended up looking like a weird noble savage depiction. The protagonist also ended up annoying me. He was all right when he was a moving camera, but afterwards he turned into an extreme moralfag, which was sort of understandable given his upbringing and the terrible things he witnesses, but I really didn't need to be reminded every two pages how comically evil Masters are. It didn't help that we're in his head 95% of the time and that he also comes off as really superficial at times, something which is never acknowledged.
Last but not least, too gay. The second relationship was not needed at all and I hated the way it was born and developed. Didn't help that you could replace Blue with a random rock and nothing would have changed. In fact it would have made the whole situation funnier.

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