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>> No.21960861 [View]
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>This science has sought refuge among the Germans and survived only among them; we have been given custody of this sacred light, and it is our vocation to tend and nurture it, and to ensure that the highest [thing] which man can possess, namely the self-consciousness of his essential being, is not extinguished and lost.

So do the Krauts still have custody of THE SCIENCE, or did they lose it after WW2? Or are the Amerikaners the new custodions? Or did it just get lost? What's your take retards?

>> No.21559786 [View]
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>I achieve Hegel's grand historical crap in one moment by simply recognizing that time doesn't exist and that everything is both absolutely one and absolutely many at the same time.
This is subsumed under Hegels philosophy as a stage in the development of the Idea presented in abstraction from the other stages because you are still not seeing the whole of which your viewpoint is only a moment or stage in an organic development or growth. Parmenides is right and Hegel agrees with Parmenides, but Parmenides is still not yet the WHOLE truth, which contains BOTH THE TEMPORAL AND THE ETERNAL.

>Thus the history of philosophy, in its true meaning, deals NOT with a PAST, but with an ETERNAL and veritable PRESENT: and, in its results, resembles not a museum of the aberrations of the human intellect, but a Pantheon of godlike figures. These figures of gods are the various stages of the Idea, as they come forward one after another in dialectical development.

>To the historian of philosophy it belongs to point out more precisely how far the gradual evolution of his theme coincides with, or swerves from, the dialectical unfolding of the pure logical Idea. It is sufficient to mention here, that logic begins where the proper history of philosophy begins. Philosophy began in the Eleatic school, especially with Parmenides. Parmenides, who conceives the absolute as Being, says that ‘Being alone is and Nothing is not’. Such was the true STARTING-POINT of philosophy, which is always knowledge by thought: and here for the first time we find pure thought seized and made an object to itself.

>> No.21536442 [View]
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>> No.21531746 [View]
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>The Critical philosophy has one great negative merit. It has brought home the conviction that the categories of understanding are finite in their range, and that any cognitive process confined within their pale falls short of the truth. But Kant had only a sight of half the truth. He explained the finite nature of the categories to mean that they were subjective only, valid only for our thought, from which the thing-in-itself was divided by an impassable gulf. In fact, however, it is not because they are subjective that the categories are finite: they are finite by their very nature, and it is on their own selves that it is requisite to exhibit their finitude. Kant however holds that what we think is false, because it is we who think it. A further deficiency in the system is that it gives only a historical description of thought, and a mere enumeration of the factors of consciousness. The enumeration is in the main correct: but not a word touches upon the necessity of what is thus empirically colligated. The observations made on the various stages of consciousness culminant in the summary statement that the content of all we are acquainted with is only an appearance. And as it is true at least that all finite thinking is concerned with appearances, so far the conclusion is justified. This stage of ‘appearance’ however — the phenomenal world — is not the terminus of thought: there is another and a higher region. But that region was to the Kantian philosophy an inaccessible ‘other world’.

>> No.21456920 [View]
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This is the point at which you take the speculative thinking pill

>>To learn to think speculatively, which is specified in the directive as the chief purpose of preparatory philosophical instruction, is thus surely to be seen as the necessary goal. Preparation for it is first abstract thinking and then dialectical thinking, and beyond that consists in attaining representations of speculative content.

>> No.21455221 [View]
File: 83 KB, 602x338, main-qimg-f963ff49192e952e997174aac65d1858-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The spectacle of so many and so various systems of philosophy suggests the necessity of defining more exactly the relation of Universal to Particular. When the universal is made a mere form and co-ordinated with the particular, as if it were on the same level, it sinks into a particular itself. Even common sense in everyday matters is above the absurdity of setting a universal beside the particulars. Would any one, who wished for fruit, reject cherries, pears, and grapes, on the ground that they were cherries, pears, or grapes, and not fruit? But when philosophy is in question, the excuse of many is that philosophies are so different, and none of them is the philosophy — that each is only a philosophy. Such a plea is assumed to justify any amount of contempt for philosophy. And yet cherries too are fruit. Often, too, a system, of which the principle is the universal, is put on a level with another of which the principle is a particular, and with theories which deny the existence of philosophy altogether. Such systems are said to be only different views of philosophy. With equal justice, light and darkness might be styled different kinds of light.

You're killin'em bro. How do non-pereniallists and philosophy haters recover?

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