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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.15533032 [View]
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>No! No one who was great in the world will be forgotten, but everyone was great in his own way, and everyone in proportion to the greatness of that which he loved. He who loved himself became great by virtue of himself, and he who loved other men became great by his devotedness, but he who loved God became the greatest of all. Everyone shall be remembered, but everyone became great in proportion to his expectancy. One became great by expecting the possible, another by expecting the eternal; but he who expected the impossible became the greatest of all. Everyone shall be remembered, but everyone was great wholly in proportion to the magnitude of that with which he struggled. For he who struggled with the world became great by conquering the world, and he who struggled with himself became great by conquering himself, but he who struggled with God became the greatest of all. Thus did they struggle in the world, man against man, one against thousands, but he who struggled with God was the greatest of all. Thus did they struggle on earth: there was one who conquered everything by his power, and there was one who conquered God by his powerlessness. There was one who relied upon himself and gained everything; there was one who in the security of his own strength sacrificed everything; but the one who believed God was the greatest of all. There was one who was great by virtue of his power, and one who was great by virtue of his wisdom, and one who was great by virtue of his hope, and one who was great by virtue of his love, but Abraham was the greatest of all, great by that power whose strength is powerlessness, great by that wisdom whose secret is foolishness, great by that hope whose form is madness, great by the love that is hatred to oneself.

>> No.15363315 [View]
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>solves anxiety
>solves the Absurd
>solves metaphysics
>solves religion
>solves my heterosexuality
psssh...nothing personnel...kid...

>> No.14242838 [View]
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but the existence of a God also doesn't automatically imply objective morality

>> No.10778703 [View]
File: 50 KB, 202x235, cool_guard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An anxious paranoid irrational irrational left-wing academic conservative confused Christian apologetic Jungian walks into 2017 and finds himself carried to the right winged cultural center stage and father figure of skeptics in an abrasive defiant atheist social media tribe

>> No.10499634 [View]
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Describe the person that you want to be.

>> No.10497992 [View]
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Surprisingly good.

>> No.10447037 [View]
File: 50 KB, 202x235, 1428538952611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silent Night...in the era of the cacophony of mass media’s hologram. Silent Night, the protective womb of the soul’s incipient aspirations.

Yes, doubters, its precincts are virginal, a fecund space not penetrated by dogmatic daytime systems of belief. Only the God Of The Vast Unknowable may gain entry.

Within the Silent Night the Redeemer God does not channel surf, binge watch, nor check his twitter account for the number of retweets accrued.

The Silent Night is Holy Night’s midwife. Thus your own unique tale is born — a deathless tale that will define your days.

I have witnessed a virgin birth, firsthand -- a hard, painful delivery -- it came to pass, amid the ruins and detritus of my collapsed casuistry and foundering cant.

An awful experience, fraught with what seemed at the time interminable suffering...that comes highly recommended.

A wise man asked, rhetorically, why is the world’s saviour born on the floor of a manger, amid the faeces of barnyard animals and not amid the glit and glory of Rome?

His answer: A rural, malodorous barn would be the last place that Caesar’s bloated ego would guess fledging redemption would be found.

Thus the fledgling saviour remains safe in his cradle from Caesar’s assassins.

Dissolute on his throne of mammon, Pharisee’s agitated mind cannot envisage the redemption held in Silent Night, Holy Night.

This is not to deny entry to the season’s lambent spirits. Be Merry. Feast. Imbibe. All is Holy. Yet one must commune with Silence.

One’s heart must be privy to the eternal lexicon of the soul, to prove resistant to the commercialised come ons and the perpetual gibbering of New Rome’s distracted citizenry, clamouring for piffle, as oceans die and the sky burns.

>> No.9914660 [View]
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>tfw when Jung is just a modernist rip-off off Schelling

>> No.9910207 [View]
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fuck off, this is a christian board

>> No.9685792 [View]
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Absolutely nothing

>> No.8594769 [View]
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Eugene Onegin > Karamazov > Anna Karenina >The Master and Margarita > Notes From Underground > The Death of Ivan Ilych

>> No.8248905 [View]
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Just this man and Socrates.

He made excuses because he couldn't do it.

>> No.8071990 [View]
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You just gotta believe.

>> No.7776431 [View]
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Aha, so now you're going into another direction.
Well if you get to the point where you don't feel needy, the good girls are much easier game too, for course. Pick-up like that is just a sport. PS: use condoms, kids.

I'm sure the 19yo getting physical with the 40yo in this clip is a very bad party slut


The basic message if just to let go of your ego and what you can or can't do. You can be nice and still get some.

>> No.7512809 [View]
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I've got a bit of time when commuting to/from work and was wondering if anyone could provide a source for audiobooks, preferably poetry or really anything to listen to other than music.

>> No.7470801 [View]
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That really, really depends on who you're reading.

Kant for instance is fairly dry, while someone like Kierkegaard is quite frequently fucking hilarious 2bh
This is also generally true, most greeks have top tier banter and are also maximum comfy

>> No.7456337 [View]
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>mfw realized I had set myself up for a Soren and have decided to pull the trigger on getting her back
This is actually entirely true. I've been disregarding pretty much everything written after the 6th century and have made good strides.

>> No.7361789 [View]
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I have. Stay mad pleb.

>> No.7328417 [View]
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Yes, some of them. There are also very intelligent Christians and many retarded Atheists.

>edgy enough to root for the bad guy
Bad is completely subjective. Plenty of reasons to find Yahweh distasteful.

>> No.7303581 [View]
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>gay sex is better than straight sex

>> No.7271333 [View]
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>> No.7239640 [View]
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>implying the purpose of art isn't religious, to offer man a brief respite from the pains of existing and bring him closer into communion with God
I'm LMAOing at your lives tbh

>> No.7174105 [View]
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>> No.7172504 [View]
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>Then does that mean that Ted Bundy's passion to rape and kill girls was right? Does that mean that Dylan Roof's passion to kill the black's in the church was right?

Neither of those events were inspired by God.

We know Abraham was inspired by God because that is what the Scriptures say. Faith in demons is not the same as faith in God.

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