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>> No.20417827 [View]
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>Update from the /trash wings of fire reader.

WoFreaderguy again. Names're hard. Fuck you.

Just finished the 3rd book. I've started burning through these faster and faster, it seems. This was especially good. Even if Rainwings're fucking trash, holy shit
All you nutters insisting they're the best tribe are deluded.
Scarlet may be a psychotic sadistic bitch, but at least she defends what's hers. Rainwings didn't even notice when folk disappeared.

Squid is adorable. So is Fatespeaker. I barely know either of these characters, and they're vying for the top of the list for secondaries.
Nautilus isn't the best dad, but he tries. Dig his style. His back-and-forth with Morrowseer was quite enjoyable.
I'm pretty sure I've heard Fatespeeker's name before, so I'm going to assume (hope) they don't get killed.

Glory's still a bitch, but significantly better than the last book. At least at the start. She's more on par with her initial style and attitude. And she gets better as the book goes on, largely due to switching from general cattiness towards everyone, to quite justified anger and sorrow.
By the end, she seems to've gotten her stuff together well enough to maintain a healthy playful snark, rather than outright meanspirited aggressiveness. Even if she apparently thinks some of it still.

Kestrel was 100% right about Rainwings, fight me.
Lazy, useless, and backwards. Not very bright, either.
'Least there were a few decent characters in the bunch. Though, most of those still didn't exactly care that a huge load of people've been kidnapped, until after they were told it's been happening by one of the victims thereof.
Jambu has a weird pronunciation in the audiobook. Honestly thought it was some French thing, like Jean-Buu at first. Very confused.
Adorable as fuck. Big pink bubble of friendliness and joy.

Sunny gets the raw end of the stick throughout this story for some reason. Generally being ignored outright, and just not treated seriously. Kind of hate it. Probably important later.

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