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>> No.20495655 [View]
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Not a silly question at all, anon. At the core, Jesus has very simple teachings, but there is also a deeper part of it too that is very easy to understand once one sees it—that is theosis. The basic core of the Gospel is of course to love God with all of your heart, soul and mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:30-31). One can even say that the core of the Gospel is the imitation of God, as is said in Matthew 5:43-48, where the takeaway is to be perfect as heavenly Father is perfect, or the idea in Luke 6:39-40 that a disciple is not above his teacher, but that a fully trained disciple is like his teacher—what does this say about us and Christ? Christ teaches to put God as the absolute highest value, and to not worry ourselves over things on this earth which pass away, but to instead seek that which is endures and is eternal (Matthew 6:19-34). The Gospel of John talks about things such as our union with Christ, how he will abide in us if we abide in him (John 15:1-11) and how if we keep his commandments, he and his Father will come and make their home with us (John 14:23). The peak of this is John 17, where Jesus prays to the Father that we may all be one, as the Father is the Son, and the Son in the Father, and that we may be in them, one as they are one, perfectly one, abiding in the perfect love of God (John 17:20-26). This is the Kingdom of God, in a sense, abiding in Christ, and Christ in you, and it follows that those who are not are already condemned (John 3:16-18). The Gospel ultimately ends in union with God—but not a union of annihilation of self, but of abiding in love, following God’s will, participating in the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). Of course judgment is a part of it as well—Jesus teaches us to ‘stay awake’ and live with a wakefulness of God in every moment (Matthew 24:42) because we do not know when the end will come, and because we were meant to live like this anyway, before we fell and became his lost sheep (Luke 15:3-5) Those in Christ have nothing to fear (1 John 4:18).

>> No.20443867 [View]
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The Gospel of John

>> No.20428306 [View]
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So if you are in doubt about what We have sent down to you, ask those who read the Book [revealed] before you.
—Qurʾān 10:94

>> No.20379714 [View]
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Jews are the actual apostates. They rejected the Messiah and literally nailed God to a cross. This was the culmination of their generations of slaughtering the prophets, worshiping Moloch and Baal, and rebelling against God. Jesus Christ fulfilled the prophecies and was the true fulfillment of the promises given to Abraham. Jews are a fossilized Satanic religion of swindle and racism


>> No.20360917 [View]
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The Bible is not really an ‘anarchist’ work. The Bible endorses government to an extent but it is clear from the Bible that even governments who ruled with God in mind were prone to going astray, worshiping idols and persecuting the righteous. Good rulers will obey the will of God and rule in accordance with the good and divine law, but in these last days this becomes more and more rare. This is why we must know that Christ’s kingdom is not of this world. Anyone saying that the Bible endorses submission to the government at all costs does not understand its message. Did Daniel obey the king when he told him to bow before idols? No. Did Elijah cuck out when Baal worship was mandated? No. Did the Jews of the time of Antiochus Epiphanes just sit quietly when true worship and religion was profaned? Martyrdom in opposition to worldly government is the message of Revelation in particular. Paul was writing before the major persecutions by the Roman state and his message should be read in that context. He was advising not to stir up unnecessary trouble, but ultimately stressed our citizenship in heaven, not the world. Jesus Christ Himself certainly put living in the Kingdom far above every government. Those who understand ‘render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and renter unto God the things that are God’s’ as necessarily a reference to ‘pay your taxes’ have been led astray. All things belong to God. The image on the coin is a man, created in the image of God. His sovereignty is unlimited above ever ‘Caesar’ there is.

>> No.20199905 [View]
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God is real though

>> No.20180467 [View]
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Take the time when you get a chance to read 1 Samuel 7:14-16, Daniel 7:13-14 and Isaiah 9:6-7. We will see that the Davidic covenant necessitates that God will establish the House of David’s throne *forever*, and that God like be like a Father to the king, who will be his Son. This is repeated, of course, in Daniel, where the one like a son of man comes in the clouds of heaven and is granted eternal dominion. Isaiah 9 says that the Messiah promised to David will reign eternally and be named Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father, etc. Isaiah 11 says that the Messiah from the root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the nations (the cross), and all of the Gentiles will rally around him. His resting place, it says, will be glorious. Isaiah 12 says that in that day, people will sing that God is their salvation, and that the Holy One will be among them. This is Jesus Christ.

>> No.20176591 [View]
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They can’t answer any of it. I’ve watched so many Christian v. Muslim debates that it is not even funny at this point. The case against Islam gets even stronger when we explore the matter from a typological angle. Jesus says in Luke 24 that the OT is essentially all about him, and looking back, it is! Now we can se that Abraham’s near-sacrifice of his son was a typological prefiguration of the crucifixion. Melchizedek provides Abraham with bread and wine. Wisdom in Proverbs 8-9 offers those who seek her bread and wine too, immediately after saying that she created the universe with God! The Trinity is all over the OT is well, especially revealed in the numerous theophanies of the Angel of the Lord. The prophecies of the Psalms, Daniel, Isaiah and numerous other books of the Bible continue to nail the case home.

I almost became a Muslim at one point, but started to see holes in their picture, and God led me to Christ despite every desire I had NOT to

>> No.20113103 [View]
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>> No.20085882 [View]
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>> No.7506583 [View]
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christian art

>> No.7501693 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.7476520 [View]
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>> No.6754655 [View]
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Mysticism, revelation.

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