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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.23229801 [View]
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Wodehouse the GOAT

>Freddie experienced the sort of abysmal soul-sadness which afflicts one of Tolstoy's Russian peasants when, after putting in a heavy day's work strangling his father, beating his wife, and dropping the baby into the city's reservoir, he turns to the cupboards, only to find the vodka bottle empty.

>Unseen in the background, Fate was quietly slipping lead into the boxing-glove.

>I could see that, if not actually disgruntled, he was far from being gruntled.

>"There is only one cure for grey hair. It was invented by a Frenchman. It is called the guillotine."

>"There are moments, Jeeves, when one asks oneself, 'Do trousers matter?'"
>"The mood will pass, sir."

>She looked as if she had been poured into her clothes and had forgotten to say "when".

>Mike nodded. A sombre nod. The nod Napoleon might have given if somebody had met him in 1812 and said, "So, you're back from Moscow, eh?

>Oh, Jeeves,' I said; 'about that check suit.'
>Yes, sir?'
>Is it really a frost?'
>A trifle too bizarre, sir, in my opinion.'
>But lots of fellows have asked me who my tailor is.'
>Doubtless in order to avoid him, sir.'
>He's supposed to be one of the best men in London.'
>I am saying nothing against his moral character, sir.

>> No.23220627 [View]
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>Solves philosophy

>> No.23212659 [View]
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PG Motherfucking Wodehouse

>> No.22761768 [View]
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I have been reading through various works of PG Wodehouse and I cannot believe how fun these old English comedies are. Good consistent chuckling all the way through, and he is truly a beautiful writer as a bonus.

>> No.22171402 [View]
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>Solves your woes

>> No.21857947 [View]
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I'm thinking about reading some comedy writing and PG Wodehouse seems to be very popular. I'm going to try some of the Jeeves stories but it looks like he was one of those prolific authors and I was wondering if any anons have read him and would be able to give some recommendations.

>> No.21663631 [View]
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>> No.21598564 [View]
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>Solves your bad mood

>> No.21369496 [View]
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PG Wodehouse is genuinely witty and a joy to read. You'll find it difficult to not write like an early 20th century Englishman afterward.

>> No.20792695 [View]
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He's never even mentioned in English literature lessons in UK schools now, but many rave about him.

I've never read his work, so was he really as good as some claim? And should I read him?

>> No.20414839 [View]
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>original wordsmith
>brilliant story writer
>one of England's finest prose stylists
>very highest level of quantity and quality
>only wrote light comedies
It is a gift that such a genius simply wanted to make people laugh

>> No.19230691 [View]
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*chuckles in your path*

>> No.18547610 [View]
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'And I had to get a grip on it in order to extract the gnat from her eye. I was merely steadying it.'
'You were steadying it gloatingly.'
'I wasn't!'
'Pardon me. I have eyes and can see when a man is steadying a chin gloatingly and when he isn't. You were obviously delighted to have an excuse for soiling her chin with your foul fingers.'
'You are wrong, Lord Spodecup.'
'And, as I say, I know what your game is. You are trying to undermine me, to win her from me with your insidious guile'

>> No.16909198 [View]
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Why I hate Chodehouse- autistic people often have a "special interest" that they pursue with exact precision. That is why you need to push them in the right direction. I could have been reading Plato for instance much, much sooner amd could have gotten a job involving something I actually enjoy in a compatible environment. Something like Chodehouse is just a waste of time. You should know better than to push it on someone with better aptitude. Neurodiverse people DO have many problems which is why you need to help push them in the right direction. Chodehouse is not the right direction. It's a complete waste of time.

>> No.16073753 [View]
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>ctrl+f wode
Stay pleb /lit/. Sentence for sentence he's better than anyone in this thread. That he's writing about recovering his aunt Agatha's cow creamer from the clutches of Spode is irrelevant, the thread is about prose

>> No.14256698 [View]
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Who is your favourite humourist?
Aside from PG Wodehouse, which writer made you laugh out loud? Excluding Wodehouse because that's gonna be everyone's default answer

>> No.14126559 [View]
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How did he do it? All of his stories are corny feel-good bullshit but they are written in such a way that you can't help but walk away and smile. How does one pull off such a feel to the modern hellish era.

>> No.13376959 [View]
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Lighthearted books for nice people you say? I'll be back with recommendations just as soon as I have purloined my aunt Agatha's porcelain cow creamer and delivered it to Honoria Fink-Bottle, who reads Nietzsche and has a laugh like the waves breaking on a stern and rocky coast.

>> No.13190572 [View]
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blocks your path

>> No.13045116 [View]
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>> No.12862517 [View]
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Can't go wrong with the GOAT lighthearted writer

>> No.12741588 [View]
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Jeeves would have extricated young Josef K from the soup, then returned Gregor Samsa to his human form without breaking into a sweat

>> No.12498308 [View]
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This chucklesome motherfucker is a better writer of English prose than Nabokov

>> No.11938075 [View]
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How do non-English people feel about PG Wodehouse?

As an English man, I feel immensely proud and patriotic when reading his books. He brings to life all the best things about our culture, particularly our humour. I only wish modern England was a bit more like Wodehouse's England.

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