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>> No.17264807 [View]
File: 13 KB, 2000x2000, 0x0.0000000001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is was was philosopher named "0x0.0000000001."
Let me sum up his thesis with greentext:

>" "

How the fuck anyone can can refute this?
Every post-0x0.0000000001 scholar is a careerist
hack larper who don't even understand his analysis. Ignore these filthy fucking academics whenever you see them.

I have heard from some theorist cyberwizards that "Geomoths" is a secrete society of coal mining autodidact philosophers who live Northern Afghanistan. Long time ago they lost their sense of experience and fiction while they were trying to interpret 0x0.0000000001's nonexistent wisdom. They believe that The Great 0x0.0000000001 was actually a radiation from Earth core which left a locked taste on their tongues. This group rejects every philosophy based on Earth's Crust. They say that Crustiods have ruined philosophy by only caring about noise clusters which exist in humanoid bodies when those noise clusters are nothing but offsets of The Noise Cluster. They also believe that one can gain access to The Non-existent wisdom if anyone could throw himself directly into The Core. Now after their daily mining work Geomoths dig the Earth like madmen so they can gain access to the locked taste on their tongues.

Yamoor-al-Xssark and his followers see Geomoths as Radical Annihilationist performance artists and Post-Annihilationist philosophers. If anyone want to read in depth art analysis of Geomoths by Xssark then checkout "Embroidery of Thermal Emancipation."

Kek'ing @ Pugliesifags, who have been "warning" people about this so called "Cult of Smoke". Pugies are bunch of limp-wristed faggots hiding behind walls of academia.

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