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>> No.12571564 [View]
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What previous eras of Muslims and Brits have done to the culture is terrible. But anyone who spreads violence and vitriol in modern times because of past actions, has only made themselves part of the problem. India does need to preserve its culture better, and I wish it would take the measures to do so. I wish it would abandon secularism and recognize itself to be the only nation of the world where its own culture can be found, and officially become a Hindu or Dharmic nation. I wish predatory missionaries would no longer be allowed to enter the country. I wish many other things. All that said, there should be absolutely no hatred or harm done to Muslims or Christians or other parties in India, unlike what Hindutva can be presently found to be doing. Modern Muslims or Christians in India are not responsible for their ancestors actions, and neither are the British, living overseas in their own land. Anyone who spreads division, vitriol, and violence towards these or other groups in the present day, regardless of cause, is in the wrong and needs to be stopped. Hindutva happens to fit that bill, at present. It's also irritating seeing their comments online, and how stupid and closed-minded they make Indians look as a whole.

>> No.12403414 [View]
File: 55 KB, 265x400, 42. Shankaracharya u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"The Upanishads ... are among the noblest and most inspired books in the world; in them, the whole of the Indian wisdom is already contained; later teachers could but expand and comment on them, but in no way departed from this original treasure of wisdom." ... "The Upanishads teach the wisdom of Atma, the Supreme Self of all beings; the same divine Life which Philo of Alexandria later called the Logos, the Divine Mind, the collective spiritual consciousness of our universe. They tell us that, while each of us may seem to be a wanderer and exile, lonely, desolate in our world of shadow and of sorrow, we are in reality neither alone nor desolate, but undivided, unseparated rays of the Universal Self, the Logos. What is needed to secure our immortality—an immortality which is still conditional, until this victory is won—is the realization of our oneness with the Supreme Self. The Upanishads show how, step by step, we may mount the golden stairs; they tell us what we must leave behind; what we must gain, as we tread the small, old path; what we must achieve; with the promise that we shall in the fullness of time be initiated into the fullness of that eternal, universal Supreme Self of all beings. "The whole aim of their teachings is this: to point the path by which the personal self may win immortality and divinity, by becoming united with the Higher Self, which always possessed immortality and divinity."—Charles Johnston

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