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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.19062866 [View]
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Damn man I just watched this movie.
>Four score and seven years ago...

>> No.16444408 [View]
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>> No.10844920 [View]
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tfw you finish The Shepherd's Crown and there will never be any more Discworld stories

>> No.10623750 [View]
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/lit/ how do you cope with being a big intellectual fish in a pond of brainlets growing up and then being btfo in your 20s. I'm not handling it well.

>> No.10619332 [View]
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>you will never jerk off GRRM in a dark theater while inhaling deeply of his pizza-scented breath

>> No.7415712 [View]
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I get the last two thirds of the joke (cabin + sea = houseboat), but not the first third of the equation.

>tfw don't have good enough of a STEM background to enjoy this humor
>tfw can't understand the math/science aspects of Pynchon's writing

I'm 22. Is it too late to into math and science? Online resources for learning this stuff?

>> No.7271141 [View]
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ITT: Poetry requests

I am hoping for a snide poem to express what has happened to me.

My friend stop being my friend for some forever 21 vain tumblr girl who pretends to have social anxiety because she thinks its cute. She also post exclusively selfies and accuses people of being constantly envious of her. She collects a bunch of internet beta boys for attention and they drool over her like a queen. my friend doesn't realize how embarrassing he looks when he interacts with her and how he is one of her betas.

I want a poem that focuses on how shitty of a person this girl and how its not worth ruining our friendship.

If anyone could try it would make me feel a lot less depressed

>> No.7210152 [View]
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i feel really bad for the person who wrote that. The person gave them Zero usable feedback, except fixed some grammar.

I like when my TAs give me a paragraph or two, and a list of suggestions. This author will learn nothing from this exercise. I hope that class is free.

>> No.7073436 [View]
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>love reading genre fiction despite delving heavily into patrician lit
>only thing I could see myself legitimately writing is genre-fic
>try to have fun writing some
>always pause a few days into my work and look back
>realize it's all stupid and gay from a literary perspective
>destroy it
I wish I could excise the patrician part of me and just enjoy writing for fun instead of quality.

>> No.7035043 [View]
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Are there any good books about depression and loneliness that you would recommend?

>> No.6373474 [View]
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Yes, but it has to be completely instrumental, no vocals at all (I always start thinking about the lyrics and it gets in the way putting my thoughts down properly).

Right now, I'm listening to a lot of Soma FM (Drone Zone mostly), and a few select tracks from the Final Fantasy VII soundtrack (no idea why 3-4 of the tracks on loop help me out so much, but they do).

>> No.6166853 [View]
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>tfw TCNJ
>studying English
>at a public college
>he takes his "major" very seriously
>he does it for $5,000 a semester

>> No.5895430 [View]
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What the fuck am I supposed to do with my English degree, /lit/? I'm still as socially awkward as I was four years, and now I'm going to be an unemployed wreck.

I don't know what to do. I was going to teach, but my social anxiety made me drop that part of my major at the very end.

There's nothing left for me, /lit/

>> No.5361602 [View]
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>tfw just want a cute and kind peasant girl who barely reads and loves me because she considers me a minor genius but she is too simple-minded to know that I'm just another average dilettante

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