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>> No.20996232 [View]
File: 141 KB, 809x656, ded (by AIDS).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you ask me personally,

to me i had seen stuffs that deny the law of physics that cannot be explained with current 21st century of science

>although even science its actually 'a culture' not an absolute truth - quoting Freeman Dyson

and sometimes i dream stuff before it happens - in me trying to be pious

>if you ask me about point people used in debate

i like peaceful interfaith dialogue rather than debate..anyway

it is that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is someone who cannot read and write

and he received this revelation from Archangel Gabriel for 23 years. he memorized it. and then companion of Prophet ﷺ compiled it.

>another thing
there are many similar things in Quran, Torah, Gospel, and also Hindu Scripture - like word for word similarity

muslim believed that Quran is the last one, which God declared it cannot be altered

knowingly there are at least 5 million people in the world right now who memorized Quran in its original language cover-to-cover, so its impossible to be altered

Without objective morality, ethical life couldn't be practiced.

There are 3 philosophers who do not believe in objective morality: Sade, Nietszche and Foucault

>i.e. they believe that life should have no repercussion (as free as one like)

Nietszche died with syphilis.

>Nietzsche's insanity was originally diagnosed as tertiary syphilis, in accordance with a prevailing medical paradigm of the time.

>Köhler argues that Nietzsche's syphilis, which is "... usually considered to be the product of his encounter with a prostitute in a brothel in Cologne or Leipzig, is equally likely.

>Some maintain that Nietzsche contracted it in a male brothel in Genoa."

>The acquisition of the infection from a homosexual brothel was confirmed by Sigmund Freud, who cited Otto Binswanger as his source.

Sade died dishonorably. (i.e. super weird legacy = SM culture)

Foucault died with HIV

>Chomsky was stricken with Foucault's total rejection of the possibility of a universal morality, stating "He struck me as completely amoral, I'd never met anyone who was so totally amoral [...] I mean, I liked him personally, it's just that I couldn't make sense of him. It's as if he was from a different species, or something."

>In an interview with the French public TV channel France 5 on March 5, Sorman confirmed that while visiting Foucault, he “witnessed what Foucault did with young children in Tunisia … ignoble things. The possibility of consent could not be sought. These were things of extreme moral ugliness.”

>In a second interview with the British newspaper The Sunday Times on March 28, he recalled that “they were eight, nine, ten years old, he was throwing money at them and would say ‘let’s meet at 10pm at the usual place’”, a local cemetery in the town of Sidi Bou Said, north of the capital Tunis. “He would make love there on the gravestones with young boys. The question of consent wasn’t even raised.”

>> No.20876974 [View]
File: 141 KB, 809x656, ded (by AIDS).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more fag / anti-religion philosopher

Nietszche is just a closeted homo with syphilis, truest proto-LGBTQ+ philosopher
>Nietzsche's insanity was originally diagnosed as tertiary syphilis, in accordance with a prevailing medical paradigm of the time.

>The diagnosis of syphilis has since been challenged and a diagnosis of "manic-depressive illness with periodic psychosis followed by vascular dementia" was put forward by Cybulska prior to Schain's study. Leonard Sax suggested the slow growth of a right-sided retro-orbital meningioma as an explanation of Nietzsche's dementia; Orth and Trimble postulated frontotemporal dementia while other researchers have proposed a hereditary stroke disorder called CADASIL. Poisoning by mercury, a treatment for syphilis at the time of Nietzsche's death, has also been suggested.

>Nietzsche scholar Joachim Köhler [de] has attempted to explain Nietzsche's life history and philosophy by claiming that he was homosexual.

>Köhler argues that Nietzsche's syphilis, which is "... usually considered to be the product of his encounter with a prostitute in a brothel in Cologne or Leipzig, is equally likely.

>Some maintain that Nietzsche contracted it in a male brothel in Genoa."

>The acquisition of the infection from a homosexual brothel was confirmed by Sigmund Freud, who cited Otto Binswanger as his source.

>Köhler also suggests Nietzsche may have had a romantic relationship, as well as a friendship, with Paul Rée.

>There is the claim that Nietzsche's homosexuality was widely known in the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, with Nietzsche's friend Paul Deussen claiming that "he was a man who had never touched a woman."


Foucalt, another fag philosopher who died of AIDS also believe that there is no such thing as 'universal morality'
>Chomsky was stricken with Foucault's total rejection of the possibility of a universal morality, stating "He struck me as completely amoral, I'd never met anyone who was so totally amoral [...] I mean, I liked him personally, it's just that I couldn't make sense of him. It's as if he was from a different species, or something."

He also fucked young kids in Tunisia
>In an interview with the French public TV channel France 5 on March 5, Sorman confirmed that while visiting Foucault, he “witnessed what Foucault did with young children in Tunisia … ignoble things. The possibility of consent could not be sought. These were things of extreme moral ugliness.”

>In a second interview with the British newspaper The Sunday Times on March 28, he recalled that “they were eight, nine, ten years old, he was throwing money at them and would say ‘let’s meet at 10pm at the usual place’”, a local cemetery in the town of Sidi Bou Said, north of the capital Tunis. “He would make love there on the gravestones with young boys. The question of consent wasn’t even raised.”

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