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Heidegger, like I said, completely reinterpreted the western philosophical condition. According to Heidegger the oldest of the Gayreek philosophers like HERACLITUS were meditative, “primordial” thinkers - men who were, like I said, concerned primarily with meditative thought which is what humans innately prefer when not exposed to society, which invariably favors CALCULATIVE thought. Gayreek philosophers that came after Heraclitus especially PLATO were responsible for orienting human thought closer to CALCULATIVE thinking. This, Heidegger believed, was a horrible mistake and one of the worst things to ever befall humanity. From Plato onwards virtually all philosophers save a few were primarily focused on CALCULATIVE thinking which is more or less alien to DASEIN. For instance Nietzsche is almost an entirely calculative thinker, ideas like “will to power” are 100% calculative in its constitution

Heidegger believes that calculative thinking has left a deep rot in all of western society. As time progresses humans are moving closer and closer to exclusively having calculative thinking patterns. A good example of this is what has happened to the state of education in the US: art appreciation classes, literature classes, etc. are drastically underfunded and underappreciated for subjects more suited to calculative thinking, and furthermore these classes explicitly focus on how these subjects will be applied in the future, I.e. at a future job

Technology and its relationship to humans is also calculative in its nature. Technology is entirely focused on DOING, ACCOMPLISHING a task.

Heidegger believes that we are rapidly approaching a dark, dark moment in history, a world where every one will shrug offmeditative thinking, and forget how important it is to the type of being that is unique to humans living in the world. Humans will no longer really be humans at that point, life will have lost all of its authenticity

Any way the way Heidegger saw it (and I agree), the least authentic society that was by far the most concerned with purely calculative thinking, at least when he was alive (I’m sure he wouldn’t have changed his mind) is the USA, the most soulless shithole imaginable

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