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>> No.20454633 [View]
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Thus I have heard,
One morning the venerable Ananda approached The Blessed One at Saviti, near Jeta's grove, at Anatapindika's park. He asked the Buddha,
"Venerable sir,
If I install Windows on my thinkpad will I be free of annoying updates?"
"No, Ananda. If you install Windows on your machine you will suffer endless updates when you don't want them, and when you want them to fix a function you will not get the update. Your consciousness will be fed full of discomforting intrusions as a cow with its skin flayed off standing in the marsh, sitting in the marsh, swimming in the marsh devoured by insects and candy crush ads."
"So then, I should save up for a Macbook and then I will be free of these unwholesome states of mind and then enter wholesome states of mind with ease whenever I want them? Did you see the commercial? It had The Beatles! They were here a few years ago!"
"No. All Apple products are impermanent. Their lifecycles are prematurely obsolescent by design. Clicking on that gay shit purchase kiosk is bad karma, Ananda. And so is exchanging unwholesome looks with the Genius bar bhikuni trannies. When you ask for you laptop back it will be covered in CUM mired in CUM it cannot boot up or connect to the Holy Life"
"Venerable sir, is there a way out of this software suffering?"
"Yes, Anondamous there is.
A noble disciple in my training will learn all there is to know the consciousness of machines and run free liberated mind from the bare metal up free of self"(translated from Pali from Burmese from English for proprietary software)

And on that day Anondamous became a fully liberated one, rigging TempleOS to his thinkpad to his Linux server own website become an information stream enterer.

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