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>> No.14424687 [View]
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All it would take is one half way interesting extrovert to suggest sitting in a circle and begin exhorting their random thoughts, and others would join in.

SF Meetup. Here we come.

>> No.14213434 [View]
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From the moment Existence is confronted with Reality, that itself is an instigation of war.
Desire — both of needs and inherent wants — is honed into an Ideal, and this Ideal is the is the standard which we bear in our battle with Reality.
Our campaigns are only finished once we've mastered Reality in a way so ubiquoutous that our Existence encompasses the whole of Reality.
Omniscience and the mutually inclusive Omnipotence are our prize, and the building blocks for the Ideal.

>> No.13893431 [View]
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>> No.12152259 [View]
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I've hit every girl I've dated at some point

>> No.11674424 [View]
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For those seeking to rise above mediocrity, let's discuss philosophies and works to do so.

>> No.11609549 [View]
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If there are good and bad outcomes for every situation then yes it is possible to achieve only good outcomes (however unlikely) and yes certain systems of morality can be more prone for good outcomes than others.

Because of that I think there is an imperative to create and live by a system that will be beneficial to me.

I think it unlikely that such a system would come natural to a person so I try not to judge anything by the morality that society has imprinted on me and instead only in the context of how it ultimately affects me and the goal of achieving [happiness].

I don't view death as just a given. It's definitely something to be overcome one way or another. I have a theory for it that may be worth testing out.
Essentially I'm wondering if the brain is like a conduit for the mind. Not the only potential conduit, but the only conduit a given mind is using.
The minds of people I know well are in my conduit (albeit to small of an amount for them to gain consciousness with) and vice versa. I'm wondering if it would be possible to make one mind prevalent in the 'conduit' of another person to the point where that mind gains consciousness in the other person.

Other than that, as far as prolonging youth, I think putting an effort at existence (both internal and external)

Internally: stress has been showed to increase the rate of cell degeneration while feeling good has been shown to prolong cell's lifespan, and even reverse it ("telomeres"). Ditto even our T blood cells ("CD4 cells"). The average person has between 500 and 1,500. That's a big jump. Mindfulness (read: consciously feeling good) has been shown to affect both of these.

Externally: Not cowtowing to our body as it deteriorates. There's such a low bar for people that when a doctor (and even multiple doctors) tell you that you'll never play a sport again due to an injury, it almost always means you can if you work at it.
This can look like not giving into a cold or even a hangover. The severity of both seem heavily effected by mood.

>> No.11592856 [View]
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Morality a term doesn't necessarily mean 'golden rule morality' and golden rule morality needs to prove itself as maximally beneficial to the individual's gratification before calling something 'immoral' means anything.

Meaning can mean the 'significance of something'. As in the meaning behind life is: [blank].
I'd say it's grammatically clear and even if it weren't it's well known to the point of being crystal clear.

I usually say 'imperative'.

I'm not OP, I'm who OP likely bit off of when making this thread.
Life didn't just 'develop', it's in the process developing. Which is to say it's in the process of improving (through some form of evolution). Improving toward an increase in power / control / science & tech which we inherently use to increase gratification / happiness / pick your word. Because happiness / pleasure / [whichever word you feel comfortable using] is the inherent 'meaning of life'

Meaning implies a perspective for the subject to mean something to. There may be no objective meaning to us. But to us, life does have one meaning.. and as many subjective delusions as you can name.
The phenomenon of existence creates perspective; creates bias; creates meaning.

>> No.11529137 [View]
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What is good high fantasy then?

>> No.11511566 [View]
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Folk-Lore of Women [also] The Cult of the Heavenly Twins
Enjoying it

Check out a chapter from Folk-Lore of Women:
Bay Area meetup when

>> No.10530304 [View]
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Do I need to be familiar with anything else before reading Paradife Loft, other than the Bible itself?

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