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>> No.12631501 [View]
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so for what i know about Land: there's an ungodly number of links and other things here in the OP of the last CAG thread.

and this is my acceleration reading list

you will be well-served by reading this stuff to deepen your appreciation for all of it, and then shitposting to your heart's content in Land threads on the dear old yak-milking forum.

i think he's basically a wizard, and he opened the Do Not Open box and depressurized the whole goddamn ship (or, put another way, he noticed that the Do Not Open box had already been opened, and wondered what that meant). there are always anons who go Ewwwww That's Racist and this is a sad and inevitable aspect of his work (as was Heidegger's anti-semitism). but there is no need to get hung up on th, imho. that is Crusty Old Nick and even at his most maximal degree of Crustiness if you can get past that you will find some of the most balls-out fascinating readings of Kant, Marx, Deleuze and NTC anywhere on Planet Meme.

cyberpunk was a seriously fascinating moment that took place in the 1980s and it is still at work under the colossal mess that is politics today, if you are prepared to dig down deep enough under the political landscape and past the pointless mimetic shit-show that is the MSM to find it. what's happening with technology, how it is going to shape our minds and bodies, all of our social relations, and much else - that's the real story, and it is a truly fascinating one. it also serves as a not-so-terrible recap of what the fuck mankind has been doing to itself for the past two centuries or so (or longer).

Zizek is right: this is a good time to reflect and interpret, and not get sucked into the eleventh thesis on Feuerbach. another aspect of this work is the de-crypting of what has been going on in the Ivory Tower for a couple of decades, which is a task the Internet is pretty good at also. the more i think people have an understanding of what the philosophers meant and were trying to accomplish, the less perhaps we will find ourselves being seduced by meme ideologies that cannot themselves extricate themselves from what seduces them, which is the desire to Change The World and imagine a terribly short-sighted Happy Ending at the end of it all. it's not even like this is impossible, it's just that it's *difficult.* Stengers is right about this too: we might consider the values of going slower...

i don't know senpai. i feel like there is a lot of genuine enjoyment to be found in sifting the wasteland and sharing what one finds there. a common project for humanity might begin with a discovery of what it is that makes us commonly human - that is, the capacity to think, to record memories, to share information, to ask questions...because we're all fucking blind in this place now. so how'd we get here? and do we have to be driven by the same machines that brought us to this point?

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