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>> No.18174967 [View]
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>the first Elric of Melnibone
which one? pic related is the first I read but I just read a couple stories and noticed the timeline is mixed and researched the chronology

>(opting for a chronological reading)
which one?
I'm doing a mix of these.

> I find myself struggling to pay attention. It's my first real sword and sorcery series and so far FotP seems to just be a little dull despite the frequent bloodletting.

Strange, I find them exciting yet short. Got hooked on since the first thing I read.

> Is this just the nature of S&S books? Should I be reassessing my expectations?
This is my first one (isn't it technically "dark fantasy"?) So I can't answer, but I can say it's related to pulp-fiction so you have that.

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