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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.6046209 [View]
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I was going to make this a separate thread, but it fits here better.

How much world building can you do before it just becomes fluff? Should I only create things that will have some actual relevance in the story I'm trying to tell?

>> No.5875132 [View]
File: 158 KB, 800x1600, Map_Westeros_Political (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a map for reference.

The next battle of Ragnarok that will be played out in this story is the most famous, the battle between Thor and Jormungand. Similar to the way this story uses the more ancient Nordic mythology that has Tyr as the head of the pantheon rather than Odin the usurper, they have Thor in his original context as a demigod figure rather than one of the Aesir. The parallel to Thor, the archnemesis of Jormungand, has many layers in this story, but it begins with Robert Baratheon, who in this story rather than Odin is the one who casts Jormungand into the sea. The seat of House Baratheon is Storm's End. which was once the seat of the ancient Storm Kings of House Durrandon. There is a legend within the lore of ASOIAF about Storm's End. It says that Durran, the first Storm King of the Dawn Age declared war against the gods and built and built Storm's End to withstand their wrath. It is there that Dany will meet her end. Daenerys Stormborn dying at Storm's End, while also being the parallel to Jormungand, archnemesis of Thor, who was originally a mythical king said to control the storms, making him a Storm King.

There are many figures that could fulfill the role of the figure who actually slays Dany/Jormungand, but I believe it will be Jon Connington. The seat of House Connington Griffins Roost is sworn to Storm's End. During the war against Aerys, he fought against the rebels, and due to House Baratheon leading the rebellion, Jon was titled lord of Storm's End, but never had the chance to live there before he was thought dead and driven to Essos. I believe that Jon will return as the Lord of Storm's End, the new Storm Lord and be the one to strike down Dany before dying himself, achieving the redemption he's been seeking.

>> No.1974538 [View]
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>> No.1699208 [View]
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So, in the TV show, are they going to show the crazy woman breastfeeding her son with her ginormous tits? And are they going to show the vagina ghost assassins in season 2?

>> No.1219797 [View]
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Dear /lit',
Does anyone else find it hard to sit down and start reading a book? I do.
I like to think I love literature, but every time I go to sit down and read a book I always get side tracked by randomly browsing the web or playing video games. I don't even know

>> No.1175997 [View]
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pic related

>> No.1172125 [View]
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>> No.1157811 [View]
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>> No.1082739 [View]
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>> No.1067762 [View]
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I just finished A Storm of Swords, holy fucking shit, that was good. Five hours of pure orgasmic reading, I couldn't put it down. My fingertips were all black when I finished.I gotta say, it blows the previous two books out of the water. I have the following book ready to read, but I might take a break and read another book instead. I've heard A Feast isn't as good, I'm kinda scared.

Spoilers (dont know if I got the tag correctly):
Kinda sad that the Viper died, I liked his badassness. Fucking sad what happened at the Twins. Amazingly awesome how Joffrey died. And I finally got the big wildling battle that I wanted. Sort of saw the whole Stannis thing, but it still was cool. I don't know why, but I like him. Jaime is probably the most interesting character at the moment

What did you guys think of it?

>> No.728814 [View]
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I love A Song Of Ice And Fire. I love both the way GRRM makes all characters shades of grey, and that even things that are heavily hinted at are unexpected. I also like his extensive world-creation, and the way he does it subtly in conversation rather than in long exposition. Can you reccomend any other books of this sort, in similar settings and of similar quality?

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