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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22842242 [View]
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><60% of posters are only pretending to read
Do you have an idea of how good you're making this board seem?
>biased, jaded
I'm also detecting brainwash-speak for "politically incorrect", not erroneous. Though even if you do see a great percentage of this board as the retards they admittedly are we're still talking about comparative statistical advantage.
But common literary discussion is secondary to /lit/. Don't come here to form opinions, maybe just use them for other means or discussions. Others are right in telling you to get your head out of your ass: look at how you're treating what is essentially consumption.
You also fail to mention the nuggets of genius that drop unexpected and uncontested (still shit-stained but gleaming inside) have a very peculiar quality of genuine autonomy you hardly find anywhere else. You're paying for the privilege to hear systemic opinions regurgitated back to you and yet fail to see this? Or see it but are afraid to recognize it? The one thing that also separates genuine literature from the duds in its honesty, good prose from garbage, good art from the phoned-in and the phony? And the one thing that invalidates your bitching, the fact that you, yes YOU too can be part of the change you wish to make in this international hangout that you're still taking too seriously in your self-conscious insecurities, intellectual and otherwise? Ah, but I hear you, why expend that much energy? What are you, a masochist?
you're such a sad faggot lol

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