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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.22753966 [View]
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welcome to my fist your gormless dweeb

>> No.18150244 [View]
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check the archives you lazy shit

>> No.17894672 [View]
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Vtubers are cancer and do not belong on /lit/. You are the nu-bronies and have your own containment board now, where you should stay.

>> No.17795018 [View]
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Acting like a retard isn't endearing

>> No.17057249 [View]
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>vtuber cancer is metastasizing
OUT! OUT! You aren't going to ruin another board.

>> No.16580378 [View]
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Get back to your containment board and thread, vtuber scourge.

>> No.16363246 [View]
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Get lost holofag. Your entire phenomenon is miserable and sad.

>> No.16151251 [View]
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Shut the fuck up newfag and lurk moar. Your uppity ass is going to learn every /lit/ figure by portrait till you can even pick out poorly drawn grug edits. No spoonfeeding for you, faggot.

>> No.16115647 [View]
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If you want an Analytic that will enrich your life then try William James.
But reducing philosophy to glorified self-help is the biggest pseud move out there.

>> No.15690353 [View]
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>Harry potter
>cultural influence

>> No.15207107 [View]
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did i fucking stutter?

>> No.15163855 [View]
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y'know, all people who use discord are annoying faggots, but i think you just might be the biggest faggots of them all. Never post in this board again.

>> No.15081740 [View]
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Read Ion.

>> No.14978660 [View]
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Hey OP, I'm just here to call you a faggot for using Twitter. Leave this place and never return.

>> No.14946121 [View]
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>Not giving it to Hera.

>> No.14903664 [View]
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Why not do both?

>> No.14499464 [View]
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charmidies opens with socrates asking who the most beautiful youths are
>You mustn’t judge by me, my friend. I’m a broken yardstick as far as handsome people are concerned, because practically everyone of that age strikes me as beautiful. But even so, at the moment Charmides came in he seemed to me to be amazing in stature and appearance, and everyone there looked to me to be in love with him, they were so astonished and confused by his entrance, and many other lovers followed in his train. That men of my age should have been affected this way was natural enough, but I noticed that even the small boys fixed their eyes upon him and no one of them, not even the littlest, looked at anyone else, but all gazed at him as if he were a statue. And Chaerephon called to me and said, “Well, Socrates, what do you think of the young man? Hasn’t he a splendid face?”
>“Extraordinary,” I said.
>“But if he were willing to strip,” he said, “you would hardly notice his face, his body is so perfect.” ~ 154 c-d
euthydemus centres around ctesoppus trying to impress a boy he loves
>I give you my word that everyone who does not have this wisdom will wish to have it: first myself, then Clinias here, and, in addition to us, this fellow Ctesippus and these others, I said, pointing to the lovers of Clinias who were already grouped around us. This had come about because Ctesippus had taken a seat a long way from Clinias, and when Euthydemus leaned forward in talking to me, he apparently obscured Ctesippus’ view of Clinias, who was sitting between us. So Ctesippus, who wanted to look at his darling, as well as being interested in the discussion, sprang up first and stationed himself right in front of us. ~ 274 c
the very first lines of alcibiades I
>I was the first man to fall in love with you, son of Clinias, and now that the others have stopped pursuing you I suppose you’re wondering why I’m the only one who hasn’t given up—and also why, when the others pestered you with conversation, I never even spoke to you all these years. 103 a
in the dialogue lysis, where socrates is invited to a gymnasium
>“Well, then, won’t you please come in and see who’s here?”
>“First I’d like to hear what I’m coming in for—and the name of the bestlooking member.”
>“Each of us has a different opinion on who that is, Socrates.”
>“So tell me, Hippothales, who do you think it is?”
>He blushed at the question, so I said, “Aha! You don’t have to answer that, Hippothales, for me to tell whether you’re in love with any of these boys or not—I can see that you are not only in love but pretty far gone too." 204 b-c
symposium, plato's dialogue on love, centres almost exclusively around the love between men. i don't even need to quote this one.
plus, practically every dialogue is peppered with references to "lovers" (read: pederastic homosexual relationships). it's ridiculous that i even have to make this post. read a book.

>> No.13847973 [View]
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>believing in pragmatism

>> No.13717884 [View]
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Stop shilling your book here faggot.

>> No.12718634 [View]
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Fuck off frogposter

>> No.12538884 [View]
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Oh yeah, that coercive moderation. What, does the mod turn up once every day or two to delete your stupid fucking shitposts? howabout you fuck off back to >>>/tv/ and post about the latest comicbook movie you subhuman drooler. Your kind AREN'T welcome, not every board is a moshpit of idiots posting tuxedo pepes and laughing at the same phrase being repeated over and over again like a toddler playing peek-a-boo. I bet you fucking came from reddit two years ago you little shit. If anything, the Mods aren't coercive enough towards the plebs like you flooding in from other boards. Suck a fat one.

>> No.12193062 [View]
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Don't make a chart if you haven't actually read the books that are going on there. The fact that you are about to add fucking Goonan is testament as to why it's a bad idea. Take /lit/'s name off the chart if you're such an ignoramus that you can't discern between quality literature and /pol/ memes.

>> No.12167741 [View]
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Spergler fags are the most embarrassing posters on this board. It's clearly the same cohort of ill-read pseuds who jump from one reactionary author to the next and spam the living hell out of them for a few months. First it was de Maistre, then it was Schmitt, now it is Spergler. They talk of nothing else, for they have read nothing else. I wouldn't be surprised is they come from some gay discord circlejerk where they LARP as the new right-wing intellectual vanguard. It's very embarrassing. And annoying.

>> No.10108235 [View]
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>Tsuruko and Tatsuo keep oppressing Yukiko and Taeko for wanting them to wake the fuck up, they are meanies!
>Its another Yukiko is a stupid autistic leech episode
>Its another Taeko is a manipulative slut episode
>Its another Sachiko is unbelievably coward and passive episode
>This nonironically goes on for 700 hundred pages
>The books ends with Sachiko shitting herself and Yukiko's marriage being ''implied'' it worked because vague endings is top-tier writing skills

Tsuruko best girl, still meme book from meme author

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