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>> No.17231769 [View]
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City of God

>> No.15795053 [View]
File: 3.87 MB, 1793x2524, Rom,_Domitilla-Katakomben,_Der_gute_Hirte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retarded heretic nonsense

>Before Vatican II doctrine taught that all non-cucklick churchgoers would go to Hell, today it’s not the case.
Still fucking true and always was. The only way one can find salvation is through the Church founded by Jesus Christ Himself. Anyone that is saved in only saved by Him. If you reject his Church, you reject his salvation.

>Cucklicks hate the Word of God period.
That's why we made the first canon of the Bible in the Vulgate and you niggers got rid of 7 books and nearly James too to spread heresies. Fucking the pot calling the kettle black.

Repent you heretical nigger.

They still have valid sacraments since they are churches founded by the Apostles and still submit to Sacred Tradition and Scripture and accept the pope as a spiritual head, but mistaken in not accepting him as St. Peter's successor and leader of the Church, but only a Metropolitan among equals. The Anglican church was founded by King Henry the 8th and Martin Luther founded the Lutheran church. They also explicitly reject multiple pieces of the Sacred Tradition (like having women priests and allowing for contraception and not recognizing the Pope even as a spiritual head, which the Orthodox do but in an incorrect manner). That's the difference between heresy and schism basically.

>> No.15769982 [View]
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Read Seneca's "Letter from a Stoic" and Epictetus' "Handbook" and "Discourses". Those are phenomenal books from actual Stoic sources. IF you want to know about the other things they believed, read J.M Rist's "Stoic Philosophy" and Benson Mates' "Stoic Logic". Most importantly, actually put into practice everything you learn every day and if you fail, get back up and start over again and don't look back. What's done is done and unchangeable but while you are still alive, you can change both the present and the future. While failure is to be expected, don't use it as an excuse to be lazy and don't EVER give up.

>> No.15719751 [View]
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Based and Christpilled

>> No.15706485 [View]
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They're not. They're just as animalistic and lacking in self-control as women that ride dick constantly. That's why chastity is an ideal to be sought by both men and women. You can call me a Christcuck or a "slave moralist", but you know I'm right. Even Musonius Rufus and Seneca, Ancient Roman semi-pagan Stoic philosophers, say as much. We must assent to something higher than our base instincts and accept nothing less than virtue, whether we are male or female. We aren't animals, but loved children of God and we have a duty to love each other and treat each other as much. This doesn't mean we ought to hate ourselves and wish for our own death, but we are to love our neighbor and wish for his health and life. Viva Christo Rey!

>> No.15700067 [View]
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>Do you mean Galatians 3:28?
Yes. Whoops.

>Anyway, they're still fundamentally accidents rather than essential differences
In terms of soteriology and how Christ died to save all mankind, of course. Christ's death wasn't for one group or people or another. It was for all mankind and he offers all people the chance to go to heaven. I'm just saying there are differences between men and women just in terms of the way they think and biologically (especially in terms of reproduction) that it affects what each gender ought to do within the Church. Just because one has a different role doesn't make them more or less important. Everyone's role in the Kingdom of Heaven matters and everyone ought to do theirs well.

>> No.15680960 [View]
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I mean, as a Catholic, it can be if you don't invest a lot of time into your faith or any and expect God to do everything for you. At the same time though, if you really read the Bible, it's very much against that idea since even in the Gospels, Jesus tells us that the work to make disciples of many wouldn't be easy, but it was necessary to bring the Kingdom of Heaven onto Earth along with the Eye of a Needle passage. St. Paul even echos this a lot during his epistles. But generally, people (while good meaning) don't invest that amount of time in that work. So, yeah it can be but it really shouldn't if you look at the examples of the saints and Jesus Christ himself.

It's just urban liberal white guilt, not a widespread problem in America tbqh. Most people feel bad about what happened to Floyd (even if he was a shitty person that pointed a gun at a pregnant woman) but they don't suck his pornstar dick.

>> No.15634635 [View]
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>>15633291 (Most Catholic churches are at least partially open now.)
Do these, in addition to:
Reading the Bible (Dohay-Rheims or Vulgate if you are a Romeaboo)
Read the Church Fathers (St.Augustine, St. Ambrose, St. John Chystrostom, etc.)
Read Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas along with the Roman Stoics and Boethius
Read St. Theresa of Avila
Read some the works of modern saints like St Edith Stein (my saintfu), St. Therese of Liseux.
If you are really interested, read New Advent's articles on the history of the Church, the Sacraments, Sacred Tradition and other things in the Deposit of Faith.
Go to RCIA if you are certain that God is calling you to join the Church.
But finally and most importantly, PRAY. You can't foster a relationship with God without prayer. You can read any book on faith, it won't make you any closer to God without giving oneself completely and totally to the Source of Our Being , the King of Kings.

Asking for the intercession of Virgin Mary (the woman who holds the sole honor of giving birth to Jesus Christ) is not praying to her. Just as she was able to convince Jesus to perform the Miracle at Cana, so does she advocate and ask Christ, our One and only Lord, to advocate for out behalf.

You know you aren't supposed to take everything Jesus says with a literal spin on it, right? He also says to cut off your right arm if it causes you to sin, but mutilating your body is a sin against God since it is harming the beautiful creation He made. Jesus was shitting on the Pharisees for being all haughty and proud and not looking at God as a the source of all fatherhood but themselves.

P.S. Beardless Jesus looks better than bearded Jesus

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