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>> No.23478669 [View]
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>when you name the jew they have to factory reset

>> No.23472025 [View]
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There is not a single nation in the West that fosters the creation, celebration and support of the family unit. The only one that attempted to do so was destroyed in the 1940s, you may disagree with their goal, but by action and design they did all they could to increase the size of the native family, increase the health and wellbeing of them and provide a worthwhile life for them.

Not one other country, now and then, can make the argument they did the same.

>> No.23469264 [View]
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This is the reason your people were thrown in to ovens and nobody gave a rat shit.

>> No.23429788 [View]
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No thanks.

>> No.23375024 [View]
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Theoretically, if I was a jew and wanted to leave this dying movement, what boosk would you recommend to me?

>> No.23334523 [View]
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Endeavor to join them, in some way anon. Do not stand by and watch them leave your life. You will regret it soon after and that regret will only deepen.

Reject the path you see before you.

>> No.23328978 [View]
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>mfw i am a mid-wit yet am able to quote a handful of novels and works well and genuinely get enjoyment out of reading classic literature, political science and philosophy and can discuss their basic points
>mfw i am a machinist and picked up a trade without formal education or trade school
>mfw i am in good shape physically and financially
>mfw life is great
>mfw my son will be born soon

>> No.23294882 [View]
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I said specific behaviors. Hating women/society/modernity is easy to take on without a personal connection to a group, further Inceldom is not a central worldview, despite some people making it their own. Inceldom is a (somewhat reasonable reaction) to a broken society by broken/failed people. Troondom is not a reaction, Troondom is as much an ideology as anything that has ever been. Accordingly, when one is within an ideology, they must conform to or be rejected from the group. Participation in the group is paramount for the troon, participation for the incel is incidental.

>> No.23262716 [View]
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Read Mein Kampf. It's not a controversial book, it contains far less anti-jew sentiment than modern jew books do on White People.

>> No.23210256 [View]
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>> No.23112227 [View]
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>Reading a Post-WW2 Translation of a work written prior to WW2

>> No.23066432 [View]
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Your attempts to demoralize people and associate National-Socialism with undesirable concepts like homosexuality and Communism serves to drive more people to research them. You radicalize and encourage more interest in the subject than one hundred effortposts by me.

>> No.23042392 [View]
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>Cultural Marxism, previously called Cultural Bolshevism has been a reigning 'conspiracy theory' for the last one hundred years and is inspired directly by Marxian thought.

What were the conspiracy theories 100 years ago?

>Destruction of Nations
>Destruction of National Governments
>Destruction of White peoples
>Destruction of Cultures
>Destruction of Valuess
>Destruction of Family
>Destruction of Currency
>Destruction of History

Thank god none of this is happening.

>> No.22918005 [View]
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I'm going to mealprep harder.

>> No.22917386 [View]
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>Despite making nearly everything about sex, Freud turned quite the blind eye to the most suggestive homosexual behavior of them all: sucking and blowing on a long, thick, smooth shaft. Why?

Because his goal was the destruction of the family unit, what better way to inflict damage than by proclaiming it fosters unhealthy sexual relationships between parent and child?

>> No.22826004 [View]
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Americans should be precluded from any political discussion.

>> No.22761994 [View]
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Every single author mentioned here is fully compatible with a Christian World-view, at least a third of them are Christians, one almost entered the Church, another formed his own Christian order. It is dumb fucks like you that fail to understanding that there must be something material with which we can engage with the spiritual. Otherwise you are no better than the crude materialist.

I did.

Because the absence of order, law, rule, state and authority is Left-Wing. The American conception of politics is just awful. Read Carl Schmitt.

>> No.22742069 [View]
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>The man who led the only Government to persecute a member of the Rothschild's is a puppet of the Rothschilds

>> No.22638633 [View]
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Nice try, as their numbers dwindle the ruling Rabbi's will reconsider their ruling on what is an is not a jew, soon there will be only the vaguest idea of what one is and when that happens, the world will know peace.

>> No.22563557 [View]
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This is a transparent attempt at alienation of a subject by a detractor. By his attempt at association of a desirable thing with the undesirable, he hopes to catch people at an early stage of interest and simply put them off before they seriously engage with the source material.

>Sparta was prototypically fascist, for example, and the males were highly bisexual. Pederasty was also highly common among them. Women were also expected to be submissive to their men (though not to the extent of Athens interestingly enough).
This is entire untrue, everything you have said is false. Lycurgus condemned the practice as it was in Athens and other polis', further mentorship of a youth with the goal of sex was sufficient to have Homoioi (translated as Similars) cast out of the Spartiate class. Further, Spartan women were the largest land owners and required to be literate and educated so that they may better mock and toughen up actual Spartans. They spoke freely and openly, with many attestations of Spartan women speaking openly at official functions, something unheard of elsewhere in Greece. The only correct aspect was that Sparta was Aristocratic and quasi-Fascist.

>In other words, there is nothing more fascist than a homoerotic homogeneous warrior cult. In fact, I have insider information of fascist homoerotic warrior cults in Germany. Fascism and male bisexuality are heavily intertwined.


>> No.22501477 [View]
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My fellow traditionalist, I too am a baptized orthodox Christian.

See how easy that was? Fucking idiot.

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