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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17211092 [View]
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Zizek says a lot about Christianity but I am interested in knowing what he means by his interpretation of Kierkegaard in this video @ 1:54:30 mark
He says people misread Kierkegaard by thinking he believed in "inner faith" as the ultimate solution. But what is the true interpretation then? Does he talk more about it in one of his books?

>> No.17003633 [View]
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The origin of my love for Salinger's Glass family stories is, dare I say, a w*man's recommendation. Do I come off as a subhuman? Or even worse, a midwit?

>> No.16762006 [View]
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Is it okay if my MC is a boring weirdo obsessively telling his journal that he's a happy man while slowly declining into madness?

>I've gotten into the habit of stopping at each odd looking guerilla advert gracing lonely lampposts and imagining the sorrow and hopelessness that one ought to feel when resorting to such methods of attention-seeking. I'd tell the curious onlooker puzzled at my paying attention to such trivial scenery that I'm doing so out of sheer pity towards the advertiser rather than genuine interest, although no curious onlooker has even blessed me with their presence and query thus far. Attention being an expensive commodity, I can certainly understand their indifference; indeed I might just be the idiot giving mine away to these undeserving objects with such nonchalance. I'm not talking about the lost pet flyers by the way, or the campaign ads, those I deem somewhat relevant to their particular lampposts, they tend to be straightforward and utterly devoid of interesting undercurrents. Really, I look for those hand-written (often hilariously misspelled) accounts of odd knick-knacks for sale. In the information age, the age of low wages and high rent, the age of drive-through pharmacies and grocery shops with dead apothecaries and mountains of useless clerk one has to be out of their mind to expect to sell their shoddy garage-built 1978 Gibson Les Paul replica to the ever rarer breed of the lamppost-approaching pedestrian. To be forgotten is to exist. I imagine a slightly better fate for those leftover jars of a late grandfather's home-grown honey. Those will eventually be eaten, I suppose. Or the very thing that led me down this rabbit-hole: an ancient typewriter for sale, which by itself is no curiosity, but this one was missing the letter E. I don't think anything could top that one. Apparently being one of a kind, the advert really wanted to sound like a missing E was just a "minor flaw in an otherwise splendid and rare household decoration". I was giggling like a lunatic upon reading that. It was vandalized by an upset child who needed attention, now the same child grown up cannot bear throwing the thing he/she ruined into the trash where it belongs. "Minor flaw". That line alone made my day. Of course I called the number. I suppose as far as hobbies go, this one can too be fulfilling in its own way.

>> No.16733093 [View]
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It makes me incredibly sad that I think mostly in words and not in more abstract concepts such as what I truly feel, or taste. The conversion is always immediate and thus base reality is something I can never truly experience as just the experience itself.

>> No.16314198 [View]
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Awesome, very nice. Here's an excerpt from a short story of mine, I'm translating from Hungarian so please bully because I'm an ESLfag:

>A bright summer sun shines through a myriad of small clouds as they try, but are unable to fully shelter the earth beneath, from that fiery gaze. I lay naked on the grass, and it is an almost endless sea of green from this vantage. I have scars on both my wrists and my feet are numb. An old man's visage appears above in one of the clouds, and starts to speak a language I do not recognise, but understand nonetheless. He speaks with an exaggerated frown and a beard that seems more alive than his misshapen but stable body, as if the thing was trying to escape his mist-faced captor. It tells me to rise, to no longer be content in my current situation. I reluctantly obey, and get up, immediately faint, then as I come to, I gather my strength and rise again, now more carefully. With eyes still closed, I rest a bit, kneeling, then struggle to fully erect my ailing cadaver and let only my legs contend with my weight. Shaking, they seem to manage. I open my eyes, looking above for more instructions. The cloud now, unfortunately, has taken back its original shape, joining his flock, leaving me again, alone. I look around. My sea of green, from this new vantage is a mere patch of grass on a hill, and I'm surrounded by a forest, with two distinct paths leading inside. Puzzled, I remain in place, and begin to ponder which one to go down. I end up sitting in place for eternity.

>> No.16277240 [View]
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>he believes there are things
What a fucking pseud

>> No.16105425 [View]
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the bees
the bees
the bees
the BEES
I smoke them to quell the buzzing
it doesn't
it does NOT
mother, returning from grocery shopping stares at the door
why is it so unfamiliar?

>> No.16004094 [View]
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You're right about institutional sexism, the only thing institutionalized about it is objectification or how sexual assault is handled — and that applies for everyone. One could actually argue that sexual assault has actually gotten better in the recent years for women, while men have had it the same if not worse for quite some time, with many men not even willing to broach the trauma they may have experienced at the hands of women alone.

The more time I spend thinking about women the more I hate them desu, not an incel or anything like that, it's just what other demographic of people that have been oppressed for so long respond with complete arrogance and selfishness when that pressure gets relieved somewhat. I suppose it's somewhat understandable as a response to the threat of violence from men which isn't going to go anywhere as women on average tend to be physically weaker, but especially in western countries that is less and less of a concern.

>> No.15995328 [View]
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>reading stuff I wrote 15 seconds ago

>> No.15928513 [View]
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What is your most strongly held belief, /lit/?

>> No.15675785 [View]
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>be me
>barely know how to read
>join group to become an intellectual
>i'm the only guy there
>girls are either outright ogres or too hot.
>i literally have to fap before every session so i don't get an erection while we discuss Locke
>skip the readings and talk out of my ass every weekend while refuting him with common sense.
>one day brunette comes with jeans and a black crop top
>gets distracted by that girl, ends up she has really big tits.
>can't stop watching them giggle
>others girl notice
>next monday the fucking ogres ask me to stop going because i mostly just stare at the other girls

>> No.15617017 [View]
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>who gives a fuck about spelling?

>> No.15615614 [View]
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>i've read only fiction this year.

>> No.15044703 [View]
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>> No.14037640 [View]
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>All life is evil. Some knowingly, most ignorantly
books related to this sentiment?

>> No.13968970 [View]
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no touching on the first encounter, rule number I don't know, he had it coming

>> No.13870678 [View]
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>> No.13307005 [View]
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Zizek BTFOS Accelerationism!


>> No.11736529 [View]
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I never understand this shit that much. The only time I could understand it more was when I was feeling extremely alone and anxious. These days more of my problems revolve around anxieties regarding a range of mundane to relatively concerning life shit. Health, finances, etc. When I see threads with posters quickly talking about how we need some upheaval like fascism to reinvigorate spirit or something I'm either bored or a little unnerved. That whole saga was a horror show, and its standard bearers all huddle around memes fantasizing the annihilation and subjugation of tens of millions of people. I'm not sure if it is an intense ennui, or what. I just want a more secure life and more free time to pursue my interests. I think I empathize with that clip from pic related where he says he doesn't want to take any part in some intense council communism. He just wants to read his books, watch his movies and be left alone. I know that kind of freedom probably won't ever be possible in my lifetime, but I'd want to get as close to it as possible rather than be thrust into the uncertainty and mayhem of a fucking race war or some shit.

>> No.11176526 [DELETED]  [View]
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>To be fair (**sniff**), you have to have a very high IQ to undershtand Slavoj Zizek. The humor ish extremely subtle, and without a sholid grashp of Lacanian psychoanalysis mosht of the jokes will go over typical viewer’s head and sho on. There is alsho Zizek’s communistic outlook, which ish deftly woven into hish (**sniff**) YouTube videos - hish pershonal philosophy draws heavily from Karl Marx literature and sho on. The fansh undershtand this shtuff; they have the (**sniff**) intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they’re not just funny - they say someshink deep about IDEOLOGY and sho on. As a conshequence (**sniff**) those who dishlike Slavoj Zizek truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn’t appreciate the humor in Zizek’s existential catchphrase “my gott”, which ish itshelf a reference to Hegel’s German epic **Phenomenology of Mind** and sho on. I’m shmirkink right now jusht (**sniff**) **imaginink** one of these ideology-filled shimpletons shcratching their head in confusion as Zizek’s genius unfoldsh itshelf on their computer schreens. What fools (**sniff**)... how I **pity** them and sho on. And yesh by the way, I DO have a Slavoj Zizek tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’sh for the ladies’ eyesh only, and even they have to demonshtrate (**sniff**) that they’re within five IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand and sho on.

>> No.11176512 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 13 KB, 194x259, C24C899A-86DA-40D8-982A-39D56F4A738F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair (*sniff*), you have to have a very high IQ to undershtand Slavoj Zizek. The humor ish extremely subtle, and without a sholid grashp of Lacanian psychoanalysis mosht of the jokes will go over typical viewer’s head and sho on. There is alsho Zizek’s communistic outlook, which ish deftly woven into hish (*sniff*) YouTube videos - hish pershonal philosophy draws heavily from Karl Marx literature and sho on. The fansh undershtand this shtuff; they have the (*sniff*) intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they’re not just funny - they say someshink deep about IDEOLOGY and sho on. As a conshequence (*sniff*) those who dishlike Slavoj Zizek truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn’t appreciate the humor in Zizek’s existential catchphrase “my gott”, which ish itshelf a reference to Hegel’s German epic *Phenomenology of Mind* and sho on. I’m shmirkink right now jusht (*sniff*) *inaginink* one of these ideology-filled shimpletons shcratching their head in confusion as Zizek’s genius unfoldsh itshelf on their computer schreens. What fools (*sniff*)... how I *pity* them and sho on. And yesh by the way, I DO have a Slavoj Zizek tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’sh for the ladies’ eyesh only, and even they have to demonshtrate (*sniff*) that they’re within five IQ pointsh of my own (preferably lower) beforehand and sho on.

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