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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.4924318 [View]
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>Modern society saw the rise of psychology, anarchism, fascism, communism, existentialism, nihilism, automobiles, atom bombs, flight, the internet, james joyce, and hemingway

>Post modern society has given us iphones and transgender dragons

Yet people still think Nietzsche wrong; tell me, what great thinkers arise from a life of TV and ease?

>> No.4873528 [View]
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>In our youthful years we still venerate and despise without the art of NUANCE, which is the best gain of life, and we have rightly to do hard penance for having fallen upon men and things with Yea and Nay. Everything is so arranged that the worst of all tastes, THE TASTE FOR THE UNCONDITIONAL, is cruelly befooled and abused, until a man learns to introduce a little art into his sentiments, and prefers to try conclusions with the artificial, as do the real artists of life. The angry and reverent spirit peculiar to youth appears to allow itself no peace, until it has suitably falsified men and things, to be able to vent its passion upon them: youth in itself even, is something falsifying and deceptive. Later on, when the young soul, tortured by continual disillusions, finally turns suspiciously against itself—still ardent and savage even in its suspicion and remorse of conscience: how it upbraids itself, how impatiently it tears itself, how it revenges itself for its long self-blinding, as though it had been a voluntary blindness! In this transition one punishes oneself by distrust of one's sentiments; one tortures one's enthusiasm with doubt, one feels even the good conscience to be a danger, as if it were the self-concealment and lassitude of a more refined uprightness; and above all, one espouses upon principle the cause AGAINST "youth."—A decade later, and one comprehends that all this was also still—youth!

>> No.4857863 [View]
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Actually it is Nietzsche and I'm here for your job as you are physically, culturally, and intellectually inferior to me

Only untermesch post-rationalize their failure as hedonism

>> No.4817208 [View]
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I would gladly exchange everything written by philosophers over the past 100 years for one more complete book by Nietzsche

fucking rats scurrying around in the footsteps of giants

>> No.4740429 [View]
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>There is not love enow in this world to permit our giving it away to imaginary beings.

>> No.4586018 [View]
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>> No.4435277 [View]
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Nothing? I thought lit was full of nihilist, or at the very least they were flamboyant enough to make an impact

>> No.4388695 [View]
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>muh stache

>> No.4054500 [View]
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mind blowen.

>> No.3981577 [View]
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>still believes in an absolute moral world-order

it's 2013 dude, wake up

>> No.3952065 [View]
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What an ugly fucker

impotent philosopher to boot

>> No.3852384 [View]
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>The doctrine of equality! … But there is no more venomous poison in existence: for it appears to be preached by justice itself, when it is actually the end of justice … "Equality to the equal; inequality to the unequal" — that would be true justice speaking: and its corollary, "never make the unequal equal".

>> No.3780057 [View]
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Because I judge it so. The strong enforce their will. The weak search for petty meaning and moralization.

>> No.3767437 [View]
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> 'There are no such references even from the days when he was losing his mind and his grip on propriety to such an extent that he drafted a letter to the emperor.'

Try to write the emperor? MAD MAN?! PREPOSTEROUS!

>> No.3727411 [View]
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>even stooping to reject post-modernism

Untermensch pls

nothing of consequence has been done in philosophy for over 110 years

>> No.3588574 [View]
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apology for poor english
Where were you when god dies.
I was crying next to horse when fred ring
'God is die'
And you?????????????????

>> No.3581419 [View]
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>the next big thing

I think I'll stick to the last big thing. thanks though

>> No.3565606 [View]
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I would say Fritz but what the hell was left to write after Anti-Christ and Ecce Homo? I think he was at the end of his rope in more ways than one when he had his collapse.

>> No.3520890 [View]
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i grew up an awesome boy
planes went through my hair
the passengers lacking in pre tense
as if they weren’t scared
going on holiday every thought
and then the government came with his jugganaught
saying we gave you this
you give it back
we put force in place
for if loyalty you lack
our high rise buildings and foreign aid
and of course we have to be paid
this is a farm, get back to your stable
we’ll boost you with medicine get you working and able
but we don’t want you sticking in solidarity
cos maybe you’ll rise up and question my salary
so we’ll pay layabouts to sit and make babies
build estate after estate and stew in their automated ways
create a rich pompous class with their heads up their arse
good intentioned but coddled to get through life with speed
taught success is relative to a certain type of breed
split up the people
split up the people
what a farce
what a farce

>> No.3500931 [View]
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>To penetrate the mind of an imbecile one sometimes does better to send a ball than an idea.

>> No.3490461 [View]
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>> No.3488106 [View]
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>This feminism with which the whole of Europe is now slowly being overrun has been from its inception an uprising of the decadent, barren populace of women against the healthy and fecund...of the lowest order of women against all higher orders...

>> No.3488101 [DELETED]  [View]
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>This feminism with which the whole of Europe is now slowly being overrun was from its inception an uprising of the decadent, barren populace of women against the healthy and fecund...of the lowest orders of women against all higher orders...

>> No.3476787 [View]
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>The error of free will.-- Today we no longer have any tolerance for the idea of "free will": we see it only too clearly for what it really is — the foulest of all theological fictions, intended to make mankind "responsible" in a religious sense — that is, dependent upon priests. Here I simply analyze the psychological assumptions behind any attempt at "making responsible."

>Whenever responsibility is assigned, it is usually so that judgment and punishment may follow. Becoming has been deprived of its innocence when any acting-the-way-you-did is traced back to will, to motives, to responsible choices: the doctrine of the will has been invented essentially to justify punishment through the pretext of assigning guilt. All primitive psychology, the psychology of will, arises from the fact that its interpreters, the priests at the head of ancient communities, wanted to create for themselves the right to punish — or wanted to create this right for their God. Men were considered "free" only so that they might be considered guilty — could be judged and punished: consequently, every act had to be considered as willed, and the origin of every act had to be considered as lying within the consciousness (and thus the most fundamental psychological deception was made the principle of psychology itself).

>Today, we immoralists have embarked on a counter movement and are trying with all our strength to take the concepts of guilt and punishment out of the world — to cleanse psychology, history, nature, and social institutions and sanctions of these ideas. And there is in our eyes no more radical opposition than that of the theologians, who continue to infect the innocence of becoming by means of the concepts of a "moral world-order," "guilt," and "punishment." Christianity is a hangman's metaphysics.

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