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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17731248 [View]
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>>most important inventor

>> No.16272279 [View]
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just a tool for low iq normies to spend time while being partially entertained
>no interest in school
who would? it's not natural, no animal ever did, you are conditioned to be interested and specialize in certain subjects in order to become a productive bot for society
>no gf/wife
just a cum extraction device which has a tendency to create problems that you will have to deal with or economically exploit you
>work a shitty job
there are no not shitty jobs, you are payed to do something, people wouldn't do it for free because it's a boring and mind fucking way of spending your time
>no religion
yeah no magic wuuuwooo bullshit imagined by goat fuckers that didn't understand causal relationships
>bad relationship with your parents
oh yes you are supposed to bond with the animals that bread you and provided resources for you

>> No.13243368 [View]
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>dude I can define words however I want, therefore I win and you lose

>> No.12997582 [View]
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1472604496039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a great fucking /lit/ thread this is, completely related to literature and philosophy.

/r9k/ posters need to be hanged.

>> No.12669346 [View]
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What a great literature thread.

>> No.12506066 [View]
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Oh boy, it's another thread that has nothing to do with literature or philosophy!

>> No.12054830 [View]
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>it's a /pol/poster ignores evidence and arguments thread

>> No.11818260 [View]
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>read The Gay Science
>it has nothing to do with gay scientists, or the science of being gay
wow, thanks Nietzsche

>> No.11617388 [View]
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>My gf




>> No.11555137 [View]
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>obvious bait thread
>gets left up

The mods deserve to be violently raped. I'd love to sit in a chair and watch /lit/'s mods be viciously sodomized by Chechens.

>> No.11483077 [View]
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He's going to try to advance her career as a model, or an actress, or something, isn't he? Fuck I hate nepotism.

>> No.11355635 [View]
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>4chan has been around for nearly 15 years
>the mods have always been shit
>the mods are STILL shit

This is one of those problems that's never going to get solved, is it?

>> No.10867179 [View]
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I'll bet at least one person posting in this thread has, in the past, bitched about the degraded quality of /lit/. You're not helping, fellas.

>> No.10723535 [View]
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>towards a ___ of ___
>the Real

>> No.10715687 [DELETED]  [View]
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>read blog post reviewing a good book
>post is awful, as if it was written by a 12 year old who has lost the vast majority of their grey matter
>check blog 'about' page
>written by a woman

>> No.10658958 [View]
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>writing your own vows

I thought /lit/ was a Catholic board.

>> No.10578523 [View]
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>> No.10465037 [View]
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simmer down roastie

>> No.10451544 [View]
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>> No.10158056 [View]
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>meet a guy who fancies himself an intellectual
>"I love Jordan Peterson!"

>> No.9990652 [SPOILER]  [View]
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*puts down glass of scotch, double ice*
*turns off mozart (his 5th ensemble, D sharp)*
*removes headphones, sennheiser 6200, leveled phonic textured edition*
*places reading supplies on mahogany side table*
*thinks to self*
ahhh, what a riveting novella... unfortunately I must deal with this wretched dregling... don't worry rukia, my love, I'll return shortly.
*phlegmatically looks down at watch*
*glance eyes at forum member No.9990604 without moving head*
*slowly swivels head off to the side, not particularly looking at anything*
*begins to contemplate aloud*


it's....... reddit hour.....

well, it can't be helped.... anyways, my blade has been craving to taste blood again....

this won't take long.... kid, you're already dead...

>> No.9880362 [View]
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>showed mom icycalm
>now she is making me see a psychologist

>> No.9871195 [View]
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>implying I'm going to believe a fucking word Christopher "Celestial North Korea" and Stephen "pedophile" Fry have to say about the Catholic Church

>> No.9786912 [View]
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Can't we just have a plain old right-wing literature thread without /pol/ pooping themselves with their retarded race memes?

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