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>> No.11777620 [View]
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>Using Amerimutt neo-con-v-neo-lib "politics" to define the left and right.
Truly an intellectual.

I'm an Italian style fascist, and I'm heavily into environmental preservation, and clean energy.

Liberals who claim to be environmentally friendly, are often the worst polluters - they are not willing to go without their creature comforts and embrace kamp.

>Buy local, buy white, buy organic, buy ethical.
>Preserve and extend your national parks.
>Have a reasonable 2.0 kids, and push out the subhumans who will leech your welfare to have 6+ kids.

Thirds worlders will present a much larger threat to wildlife than whites ever will be. Even ancestral hunting techniques (burning down the bush) of African and Australoid tribesmen are said to have driven many species of megafauna to extinction. China does not care about pollution, health, or planetary welfare. India is utterly filthy and polluted.

Marcus Follin, Varg Vikernes, Tom Roswell... all people who are white nationalists (and some even aryan supremacists), and all claim the environmentalism is INHERENTLY tied to racial roots.

The first national parks were created by Teddy Roosevelt - someone who by today's standards would be a racist, sexist monster, who viewed america as a white nation, and the lynching of immigrants and blacks as "a good thing".

Hitler expanded Germany's national parks, to the point where the modern political left in Germany have become repulsed by anything that isn't a grey, industrial, soviet-style cityscape.

The Swedish Green Party hijacked and abandoned environmentalism to push anti-white propaganda, and they're now dead.

A true right winger respects nature, for his shining tower would be nothing without the hill it stands on, and the hill would look all the more barren and bereft of ingenuity without the European man's castles and masonry.

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