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>> No.20707470 [View]
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>homosexuals and trannies are more likely to get AIDS
That’s a standard part of the curriculum. Have you ever like, actually looked at health curriculum? I actually teach 9th grade health as part of my job (it’s farmed out to my subject area at my high school).
>we aren't talking about adolescents
We are though. That’s the age at which kids actually learn what being gay or trans is beyond ‘David has two mommies and Sally has two daddies’ and ‘sometimes boys become girls and girls become boys.’ Again, your knowledge of actual existing classroom curriculum is appalling. You have no idea what you’re talking about. I can show you some state content standards if you’d like.
>You aren't normal
You can seethe about it all you like, but we’re a normal part of human variation.
>MAPS are part of your community
Objectively untrue, you fell for your own psyops lol.
>it's pretty telling that you digressed into an extended rant about touching children (you probably came a little).
Yeah you’re the only one associating child molestation and orgasms weirdo. Very amusing that you accuse me of projection and then write something like that. BTW most heterosexuals support grooming as long as the child is a teenage boy and the groomer is a straight woman. (>>20703977) The straight community is truly disgusting.
>stop grooming kids
The only person advocating for grooming kids here is you. You just want to groom innocent gay and trans kids to be ‘normal’ with no regard for their long term health and happiness because your ape brain has an atavistic hatred for all that is unfamiliar to you.
>Your definition of reality is headcanon
My definition of reality is material. It is a simple fact of human biology that sex is malleable, especially with the tools of modern medicine. You blind yourself to that reality in the name of ‘normality,’ which in reality is just your own superstition. A ‘headcanon’ we might call it. I won’t bother to comment a second time about how you claimed that I was ‘projecting.’
>crying faggot
Oh boy, another thing that totally isn’t projection.

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