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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.16795120 [View]
File: 138 KB, 1078x525, 1386433092775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you all pretend otherwise.
They lie to themselves and cope. They bribe themselves with false promises of security.

The worst are retards who exist outside that system but suck down its effluvia, cargo-culting from the outside. They con themselves, thinking they're the true radicals, while holding the same opinions as the people inside the walls. This board is full of such people. One of them is a tripfag you love to hate.

The most powerful con this system has is convincing participants they're revolutionaries taking it down from the inside. This is the perfect cover for neoliberalism as it loots the infrastructure of civilization.

>> No.11523147 [View]
File: 143 KB, 1078x525, DDC009D0-EEAE-4D22-B4EB-D3039BFFD811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our numbers SWELL and GROW with the ranks of S̶U̶C̶K̶E̶R̶S̶ SEEKERS ready to PAY to find out what they REALLY think.

Have YOU given thank$ to "BOB" yet, Citizen? Have you lovingly invited him into your wallet? ARE YOU AN INITIATE GUERRILLA IN THE MYSTERIES OF SLACK AND TIME CONTROL?

SOUND OFF if you are an official cleric of the CHURCH of the SUBGENIUS, Citizen!

If you are not yet ONE OF US, but believe you have the rare YETI DNA that binds us as orthopara-brothers and -sisters, then KNOW YE NOW that THE WORLD ENDS TOMORROW AND YOU MAY DIE.

Actually, we're thinking that may just be happening sometime next month, if that's good for you. . . and wow, it's going to be a horrible, painful death come X-Day for those scoffers and Pinks and Eloi who deny "Bob" now. It's going to be blood-boiling, body-shredding, nerve-mangling TORTURE under which you will reach EXQUISITE HEIGHTS of physical suffering you never thought possible, AND BEYOND.

Each femtosecond of your death will feel like A THOUSAND YEARS. . . and just when you think it's finally all over and you can relax into the sweet painless oblivion of non-existence, your consciousness will be brutally FLUSHED FROM THIS REALITY and sent, incorporeal, on a spiritual NEVERENDING STORY that will immediately get DICKSHITTINGLY REAL AND UGLY, and will STAY THAT WAY. . . for TWO FOREVERS!

I hear your voices out there. I hear you mewling and whining softly in the dark, your minds freewheeling into madness as you ransack your memory's hoard for some straw-graspy way, ANY WAY, to escape your VERY IMMINENT DOOM.

There IS an answer, Citizen.

All you have to do is GET DOWN on your SCABBY PINK knees, SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE (swallow mine too while you're down there), PRAISE "BOB" by PAYING UP, and "BOB"'s your UNCLE.

Simply PAY UP today, and instead of having your WOULD-BE IMMORTAL ASSOUL slowly FORCE-EXTRUDED through the fine-meshed cosmic grating that separates REALITY ITSELF from the OUTER DANKNESS, "BOB" will grant you his GOLDEN TICKET to a limitless future of MONEY, PLEASURE, AND SLACK. . . and hey, you can even perform miracles, and wedding ceremonies!



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