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>> No.12399378 [View]
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Much like this thread >>12364759 , I want to be redpilled on Process Philosophy and my boi Whitehead. I've read Matter & Memory from Bergson, watched a bunch of vids on Deleuze (incomprehensible) and now I've bought a book of essays on Whitehead, Bergson & Deleuze.

My shit-tier understanding of it is kind of like a return to Heraclitus' thought of change as the only constant. For Deleuze it's 'difference' and for Bergson it's creativity of novelty that defines existence. It's sort of an epistemology based on experience first and foremost, similar to Heidegger's concept of Dasein. So for Bergson in particular action comes first before thinking, hence where Sorel's revolutionary syndicalist violence comes from. But yeah I'm a total pleb on this shit but I really want to know better so /lit/ give me some TL;DR's, especially in relation to these apparent contradictions:

1. How can you have any conception of knowledge if everything is in a state of flux?

2.(The basic fallacy of relativism) If everything is in a state of flux, why isn't the fact the fact that everything is in a state of flux in a state of flux?

3. How does Bergson arrive at Free Will while arguing everything is in motion?

Good stuff lads thanks, also WHAT THE FUCK ARE RHIZOMES???

Some good vids on the matter:
Truediltom on Deleuze
0thouarthat0 on Whitehead
John David Ebert on Bergson

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