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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21374957 [View]
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Stoner was fantastic, but I actually prefer Augustus. I was a bit disappointed by Butcher's Crossing.
>"What did you expect?"

>> No.21321102 [View]
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Same here broski, I go to the gym for about an hour and a half every morning, 5-6 days a week. I'm known as the "reader, intellectual". I've read about on average three to four books a month (varying depending on the length of some like 2666 taking a whole month). I go to university full-time and have an internship lined up for next semester. What I see whenever I log on is that people in their free time just doomscroll or ladderfag on valorant or other similar vidyas. It's depressing.

Anytime I try to extoll the amount of enjoyment of just reading, not because it makes me smarter so I can show off but just, the same enjoyment people get from any great story in movies, TV shows, or video games. It's still something unique, I don't get why it's seen as this impossible bar for so many people my age to do (i'm 20).

>> No.20966814 [View]
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there's a netflix show?

whelp, great...

>> No.20611947 [View]
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ending of stoner

>> No.20361719 [View]
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So yeah, working on writing a Historical Fiction piece based on the life and deeds of Harald Hardrada - The Viking-King of Norway who was exiled from his kingdom as a prince due to the assassination of his father. He ran off to Kyevan Rus to join Rurik and the merry band of bastards, impressed a visiting Byzantine emissary so much so that in his late teens/early 20s he was a walk-on to the Varangian Guard where he quickly worked his way up to a commanding officer in their ranks. He then led a campaign which eliminated the Muslim pirates of the Eastern Mediterranean in less than 5 years when the previous commanders had failed with over a century's worth of time to do the same. He single-handedly took a castle on some Trojan Horse shit (exception being it was his own death/funeral casket vs a horse filled w men) literally faked his death, asked to be burried on Christian soil, the castle-owners were stoked like hell yeah we'll let the greatest Varangian in history get burried here, we'll just tell everyone we're the ones that killed him and everyone will think wer- OH SHIT HE'S OUT OF THE CASKET and yeah, he goes on to the holy land, reaffirms Christianity vs his old pagan ways, builds up enough money to go back home and retake his kingdom but the Byzantine emperor is like uhhh no not anymore, stay here. SO Harald sneaks into his room, stabs his eyes out to dishonor him, goes to kidnap his daughter the princess to take as a conquest, she ends up saying "uhh no, you're actually badass i just wanna go w you and let you hit it anyway, big dick Harald says ok and goes home w a new princess. By the time he arrives back in Norway, turns out the usurper is already dead so he is welcomed w open arms and just kinda starts running shit. Ends up invading England, attacks Harald Godwin and ends up eating an arrow to the throat at the battle of Stamford bridge fighting naked and dies, but the exhaustion they caused w the British army's forced march is why William the Conqueror fucked them up a week later @ Hastings

So yeah, don't even really need to get TOO fictional, dude was just a badass and i think the story needs to be told, figured this would be a good way to do it.

First Chapter covers the Battle of Stiklestad where his older half-brother is betrayed which leads to his eventual self-exile to Rus, let me know what you think!

It's a rough draft so try not to torch my asshole too badly, but I hope it's decent enough that I can get it published one day

Anyway, thanks in advance for taking the 5 minutes to read the first Chapter, if you like it bookmark the link, I upload the all the new writings a couple times a week and you're more than welcome to check it out as it develops

>If it ends up getting published and you read it from the beginning, let me know and I'll send you a signed copy one day

>link is here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lzYKhkIa5SHgu64oJUtn1WOndBDVbkU_/view?usp=sharing

>> No.20332620 [View]
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I also read that about 10 years ago and really liked it, but I re-read it recently and noticed the poor quality of the prose and the dialogue and characterization.

Sometimes re-reading is dangerous.

>> No.20281432 [View]
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After actually publishing a novel and getting people's responses, I discovered I truly don't care either way.

I got mostly positive reviews (possibly because the people who didn't like it kept silent), but I didn't respect the reviewers as smart readers (they weren't), so their praise was meaningless. When they told me that they really liked a certain part, all I could think of was "Yeah, but in the past you told me you really liked X even though it's a shit book, so what is that worth, really?"
Same for the criticism. All I could think was "You're the same person who enjoyed X even though it was utter shit, what would you know about novels?"

I found out that other people's opinion is genuinely meaningless to me. It was worth it to write the book just for that.

>> No.20271471 [View]
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>> No.20262211 [View]
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One thread. Can we have one thread where you guys aren't like this

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