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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.5168672 [DELETED]  [View]
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Let's think about this hypothetical situation. You are at a party, you're talking to a girl, you're getting to know her and she says her favorite author is X, her favorite band is Y and her favorite movie is Z. Now, let's assume you hate all of these things. But for whatever reason, you have some knowledge of them and the cultural dimension they belong to, so you can actually impress her, if you choose to lie, which I assume you would.

Everyone does that to a certain extent to get what they want, in this situation pussy, but I was wondering which extent that is and why stop there. Being yourself was not the best thing for the situation, just like being yourself will not be the best thing for numerous situations throughout life, and it can often rob you of what you want. But you wouldn't lie your way out of most of these situations, you typically draw a line in the sand between what's acceptable between to lie about and what isn't.

I'm having trouble understanding this line, tho. If I can get away with it, why not lie about anything that can't be found out through some external means (i.e. I couldn't lie about my job, because it's verifiable) and just become whoever the person I'm talking to wants me to be? If I have anything to gain from that, of course. Why stay true to my political or religious views, my aesthetic choices, my life experiences or even my sexuality if that can alienate useful opportunities?

I remember reading during Obama's 2008 campaign some pundits complaining that his views on many subjects were vague and incredibly open to interpretation and that his entire campaign, rhetoric and books seemed calculated to give him the aspect of a blank page, or a page with just enough information to make people project themselves unto. That for me is a good analogy of the lifestyle I'm trying to describe.

What do you guys think of that? The only reason I can think of for remaining true to yourself in society is integrity, and that never gets you shit.

Also what should I read if I want to get deeper into that.

>> No.4994852 [DELETED]  [View]
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What books should I read if I want to see completely past society's vices and habits.

I want to be completely detached from civilization as far as I can and still be barely functional, walk around as if in another plane of existence. Say things most people won't understand, tip them my fedora and hold books next to my trenchcoat.

/sci/ people can reduce amazing things to basic scientific principles in their heads, I want the humanities equivalent of that.

>> No.4812996 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hey guys I just need a small favor

I read an Ayn Rand quote (I don't know don't bother discussing it) where she talks about "Kantian-Hegelian-collectivists" but I have no idea what the means because I'm completely ignorant in philosophy.

What is "Kantian-Hegelian" supposed to mean in the way she uses it and why is it seen as a bad thing for people of her philosophy?

Here's the quote to give you context

>There is a special reason why you, the future leaders of the United States Army, need to be philosophically armed today. You are the target of a special attack by the Kantian-Hegelian-collectivist establishment that dominates our cultural institutions at present. You are the army of the last semi-free country left on earth, yet you are accused of being a tool of imperialism--and "imperialism" is the name given to the foreign policy of this country, which has never engaged in military conquest and has never profited from the two world wars, which she did not initiate, but entered and won. (It was, incidentally, a foolishly overgenerous policy, which made this country waste her wealth on helping both her allies and her former enemies.) Something called "the military-industrial complex"--which is a myth or worse--is being blamed for all of this country's troubles. Bloody college hoodlums scream demands that R.O.T.C. units be banned from college campuses. Our defense budget is being attacked, denounced and undercut by people who claim that financial priority should be given to ecological rose gardens and to classes in esthetic self-expression for the residents of the slums.

>> No.4438752 [View]
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Read it in Norwegian. Honestly..at first I thought I had gotten a bad or really old translation, but after doing a bit of research i found that the translation was fairly resent and the version I got was the most used. Reading it in my mother tongue I didn’t really find it hard to read in the sense that I didn’t understand what was going on, but it was definitely parts that were a bit difficult and that I had to read thoroughly too catch every detail. Some of the descriptions were also a bit hard to “imagine” in my head.

[En dash:] A flock of sparrows – some of them juveniles – alighted and sang.

like every second sentence

>> No.4397559 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is there any good in this world?

Can I ever be truly, unconditionally happy?

>> No.4372244 [DELETED]  [View]
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>5 word essay due by the end of next semester
>topic is my name and date
>have not started it

>> No.3992413 [View]
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>> No.3762819 [View]
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You mean the one that's never going to happen?

>> No.3630064 [View]
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Just dumping this here for laughs.
Just enjoy, or whatever. I found these on a /soc/ sexy voice thread.

http://pastebin.com/1TZM1xRi "Questions for new boys"

http://pastebin.com/beQJc878 ( Male script dump, assortment )
http://pastebin.com/B9S1k68j (Villain/Warlord marriage proposal)
http://pastebin.com/piDdcLXi "Daydream"
http://pastebin.com/m01hhW4s "Good Grades" (teacher, maledom)
http://pastebin.com/rmMkxuFN "My Pet" (maledom)

http://pastebin.com/J01MnmVw (guy catching girl masturbating in public)
http://pastebin.com/4sccXEe0 "Confrontation" (maledom)

http://pastebin.com/R8BVjWnE (more male scripts)

http://pastebin.com/u/squeesex assorted scripts

http://pastebin.com/6qHJnXbq "Rain" (sweet)
http://pastebin.com/uJx25XRn "Morning Monologue" (sweet)
http://pastebin.com/aRSjNqXv "I'll see you soon"
http://pastebin.com/tdgxuGbq Love letter to Mistress (sub)

http://pastebin.com/FpESKZzK (assorted script ideas)
http://pastebin.com/REXYZmzD "sexy poetry collection"

>sexy poetry collection

>> No.3578078 [View]
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>educated enough to care about English
>not educated enough to understand Linguistics

>> No.3558769 [View]
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Here are some of the top of my head but this is by no means comprehensive.

The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations - This is generally used as a text book on introductory IR courses, its sold and gives you a good base on International stuff. Also you'll be able to pick up and older edition dirt cheap.

What is Politics by Adrian Leftwhich - This is also another introductory book but one that's well worth a read. It'll challenge you about what exactly constitutes 'politics' and provide a good way into proper critical thinking.

Expert Political Judgment: How Good Is It? How Can We Know? - This may be a little dry and academic in parts but its aim is political punditry and prediction. As a result it will help hone your own bullshit detector and give you a bit of an acquaintance with contemporary political science.

might come back with some more in a minute.

>> No.3534462 [View]
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Alan Cole

Stephen wanted
To wed his girl
Did he not know
I was his world?

I wouldn't have it
That would not pass
I made sure that
He beat her ass.

It was his fault
It was his act
But it wouldn't have happened
If it weren't for our pact.

He was a fool
Until the end
I gave his neck
A proper bend

We had some fun
Some tearful laughs
But too much drink
made Stevie run

Now in my power
The idiot dares
To take a leap
Down all those stairs

A room of bath
He never reached
Just do the math
Of floor plus teeth.

A sorry lad
He truly was
Yet far to cruel
His fists amass.

They'd fly, they'd hit
A raging bull
Destroying shit
His fury full.

The best of friends
We're nemeses
Cause Alan loves
His enemies

They hate me though
They love me so
I turn their minds
To greasy dough

I love you, friend
Do you not see?
That you and I
Were meant to be?

Come celebrate
Par-tay all night
We'll give your friends
A horrid fright

They are not
Your closest dears
If so why would they
Bring you tears?

Let's spend the night
Two solo birds
A bond that's stronger
Than all words

For who could know you
Like I do
Your liquid friend
Until the end.

>> No.3471901 [View]
File: 111 KB, 1000x748, oldfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Child's play, OP. Fucking child's play.

>> No.3444282 [View]
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Pointing out that Nietzsche's philosophy may have inspired the systemic extermination of millions of people or pointing out that the founder of the Church of Satan was inspired by Rand's philosophy is not a fallacy.

You should learn to deal with the fact that your two favorite "philosophers" are for hip, edgy faggots and that no one above the age of, oh I don't know, 22 takes either seriously.

Pic related. It's you.

>> No.3423714 [View]
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>> No.3418737 [View]
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You're shitting me right?

The people that have "lurked moar" have been having to deal with fucking awful Nietzsche threads on a daily basis for way too long now.

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