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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12684014 [View]
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>read On Writing
>people say it has good writing advice
>"just write whatever"
>"like don't even plan anything or think just make up shit on the spot"
>"do this for 5 hours a day"
>"okay then go back and remove adverbs"
>"there you go you're a writer now"
>"sell it and become a millionaire it works for me"

>> No.10430354 [View]
File: 19 KB, 367x332, allofusaredone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Medium has no effect

>> No.10368022 [View]
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Why is this all written out like a dialogue? Couldn't he made it like

>mfw someone thinks Medications was written in Latin

and add a good accompanying reaction pic like pic related

>> No.9325948 [View]
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>buys complete poetry of blake
>proceeds to buy songs of innocence too
For what purpose?

>> No.9274002 [View]
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>> No.9111638 [View]
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>five star review of classic book
>just talks about how beautiful the prose is
>literally nothing else about the book mentioned

>> No.8901063 [View]
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>Obviously a children's book isn't going to be very well-written

I bet you're one of those people who says it's okay for kids to be reading anything no matter how shit because "Hey at least they're reading!"

>> No.8721340 [View]
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>authors preface
>author's preface from 1899 edition
>author's preface from 1910 edition
>author's preface from 1934 edition
>author's preface from 1955 edition
>author's preface from 1967 edition
>author's preface from 1977 edition
>author's preface from 1989 edition
>author's preface from 1995 edition
>author's preface from 2006 edition

and they're always all just variations on "lol I guess it's being reprinted"

>> No.8535524 [View]
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I told you fucking Nazis who are morons and admit it, yet still think they are better for some reason, and fucking commies who are morons but won't admit it because they managed to read all of Less Than Nothing without drooling on every single page and now think they are intellectuals.

Any comfy critique threads or literature discussions are pushed aside to make room for fucking /his/-tier Philosophy 101 "debates", or /pol/-fags coming in and posting low-tier bait, that is prolonged 300 posts by the "intelligentsia" who are so smart they can dismantle any beliefs that don't coincide with their own (read: being smug dickheads until the normal people get tired and leave), but somehow not smart enough to not respond to the obvious bait.

Seriously fuck you guys, you've pretty much driven off anyone who wasn't far-left or far-right and just wanted to read and write and talk about reading and writing with some cool guys like them.

/tv/ is better than us now.

>> No.7016832 [DELETED]  [View]
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Is this pic of DFW author of Infinite Jest?

>> No.6946813 [View]
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>He believes in solipsism

>> No.6711046 [View]
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>> No.6414960 [View]
File: 19 KB, 367x332, disappoing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your opinion on using big/rare words in everyday conversation?

Even if I feel like I can better express myself using an uncommon word, I generally try to avoid it because I know that it makes me look like a faggot and I might even have to define it for the person. However, I feel like in doing that I am actually being a faggot. How does one approach this fagt/fagt dilemma?

>> No.5990366 [View]
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MFW I post in favor of christianity but still get neckbeard meme'd

>> No.5906249 [View]
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>It's a Patty chapter

>> No.5285695 [DELETED]  [View]
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Title: Post-Modern Phenomonology of a Boy

Lepo was a small boy who lived in a cave. This wasn’t just any old cave made out of weathered stones and formed on the side of mountain crags. This was a warm and fuzzy cave. A cave that could not only feel but also hear. You see Lepo lived inside a mouses’ ear.
Being extremely small and often covered in ear wax didn’t upset Lepo. He knew how to make the best out of any situation and devised a way to survive off mouse blood and fashioned clothes out of dead skin flakes and mouse dandruff.
Despite his ingenious survival skills Lepo passed away after only being alive for two months. How could a two month old boy survive by himself in a mouse’ ear with no mother or father to help him? Well I never said he was a human boy, you see Lepo was a flea and their average life span is about two months.

The End

>> No.5240879 [DELETED]  [View]
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Thread about books that were supposed to be good but are terrible and what you do about it.
Does it matter if it's a classic or not? Do you put it down after 10 pages? 20? Do you force yourself to get through the whole thing?

>> No.5172100 [View]
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>This is the feminism board.

>> No.5013714 [View]
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>Would it be kafkaesque or quixotic?

>> No.4966574 [View]
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> It is a disease.
> im completely powerless!!

If you say so, then you are.

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