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>> No.21936688 [View]
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Also, forgive the sci-fi references, but think of capitalism itself as like an intelligent machine (as an analogy), instead of the human (or in this case, WASP guys who post on /lit/) being in charge of the means to decide what and what not to produce. The sole purpose of capitalism is to duplicate more capital for eternity so anything that can bring efficiency and generate more capital is capitalism's target, including drugs, guns, sex, identity, religion, and junk food. Capitalism is not necessarily making everything better (although it can make some things better), because it only needs a minority (1%) to be intelligent enough to run it... or make them think they're running it while they are actually being run by the machine.

Capitalism itself is a bit like Event Horizon's ship that returns from a black hole. It's the ship instead of the captain or crewmen that are running it. The ship "alienated" the men on board to shape them into whatever way it wants. Whether you’re a "Proud Boy" who's for the ship or a "woke" person who is against it, it doesn't matter, because your fate is alienated and then "deconstructed". BTW the concept of alienation is one of the key points in Marxism.

Following this logic further, assuming that we believe in in the concept of Eurocentrism and white / male supremacism and put them in the context of capitalism, we treat Blacks, Asians, Browns, women and etc. only as instruments or resource inputs into the machine to produce more output. What does this mean exactly? It actually means that capitalism, despite WASPs who drink Bud Light being its biggest fan, is actually deconstructing "WASP" itself because because their flesh and even soul can no longer feed the machine's stomach. The "good old days" are gone and will never return. Family is being deconstructed and gender is being deconstructed and more diversities and inclusions and multiculturalism and etc. because they can create more profits for capitalism than WASPs do.

I'm still referring to capitalism as a rather abstract concept, not the material part in the base, and not to dive too deep into it, but this doesn't mean that the "woke" are winning the battle because they, in their own central narrative, are also the losers like WASPs because, at the end of the day, everybody has been played. But basically the thesis-antithesis-synthesis, or the unity of opposites in dialectical materialism (or Yin/Yang), or the singularity discovered in the black hole each point to the contradiction in the universality, which is "what makes you rise is going eventually to make you fall." The most capitalist country is going to be destroyed the most by capitalism itself from within and from outside, completely erasing everything one can cherish.


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