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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.20699848 [View]
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>> No.20224972 [View]
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"My kid could've painted that!"

>> No.20217782 [View]
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>Communism is inherently anarchistc

How does these people keep finding their way to /lit/?

>> No.17259895 [View]
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>they are inexperienced and don't know how to fuck or suck dick

You teach them how to do it, obviously. The whole "experienced women are better, what kind of weirdo wants a virgin anyways?" arguments are a roastie psyop.

>> No.16152796 [View]
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>Using a word like "debunk."

>> No.15930649 [View]
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>I am as convinced that eating meat is immoral as I am convinced that murdering children if they misbehave is immoral.

So you're mentally ill? Imagine being such a weak human that you get all tied up at the thought of killing an animal and eating it.

>> No.15850298 [View]
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Considered himself to be "above" women because he couldn't get one to come within 5 feet of him.

You guys should read some of his books before hopping on here to talk shit.

He was friends with a bunch of different women, one even donated the money that paid for the house where he and his sister lived after he became an invalid.


>Nietzsche isn't completely worthless, but he is by far one of the most overrated philosophers.

He's not overrated. He was able to forecast what has happened in the 120 years since his death, and his Genealogy of Morals explains the ongoing rise of victimhood morality and its morphing from a tool used by those involved Judeo-Christian ideology to one that is now employed by secularists. He only seems overrated to you because people who haven't read his works love spamming the "God is Dead" meme without understanding what it means.

>> No.15633506 [View]
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>Is Philosophy useless today?

No, just the people.

>> No.12330296 [View]
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"She's pure"
>has a kid with a jew

>> No.11859878 [View]
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>"An idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity."


>> No.10278008 [View]
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>Browsing Twitter

>> No.6384349 [View]
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>you and some friends
>blogs in the wake of the tao lin fiasco
they were springing up everywhere before that even happened, when htmlgiant was dying down and metazen announced its imminent closure. The genre may not have proliferated but it has not lost its base of readers
>Tao Lin was the only one that mattered to the literary establishment
You're misunderstanding the fundamental concept of alt/lit. it's not about real literary fame its about circlejerking and having a marginally bigger amount of twitter followers than the average hot girl
>without those huge blogs
but there are still plenty of "huge" blogs in the niche, ie shabbydollhouse, hobart, pank, medium, etc, only a few of the big ones shut down
> there's simply no way for people outside the scene to break in
The premise behind the scene is friends publishing friends work in a nepotistic, unmeritocratic fashion, always has been. Talent isn't important.
>no-name tumblrs
what a long rant without actually having a shred of information on what you're talking about! Impressive!!
>those blogs have nobody to piggyback off of
people sell books on small publishing presses widely outside the sphere of Tao Lin, who you are grotesquely overestimating in popularity. A couple articles on Gawker and Vice & troglodyte tier /lit/ discussion doesn't qualify him as famous enough to promote a whole scene of other artists, dipshit.
>publishers are going to be way more wary about publishing alt-lit because they don't want it to blow up in their faces
There are hundreds of small presses that publish "alt-lit" writers' books
> If Tao Lin had, say, published with another publishing house instead of starting his own
He published Tapei with Vintage.

Time to stop posting now and rub some ointment on your asshole? I'm not even a mean poster normally but your level of smug and ignorance is palpable

>> No.6347553 [View]
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study formal and informal logic??

>> No.6237628 [View]
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/lit/ - literature

>> No.6087369 [View]
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>Implying research isn't a part of knowledge.

>> No.6065398 [View]
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Plath's protagonist has a quasi-love interest in the book. She's never strongly interested in him, but there's this sort of understanding that there will be something between the two of them. Eventually he reveals to her that he lost his virginity to some waitress, and the protagonist resents him for it. She later goes out and fucks some random guy just to lose her virginity also.

>> No.5903727 [View]
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You don't care if coworkers think you're a fucking psychopath who's desperate for power? I would never tell anyone i read this book.

I read the first chapter in the book and it explains the relationship between the master and the subservient.

You being the subservient. It attempts to demonstrate how you should always let your master think he's great and above you and whatnot, it just sounds like the writer is pretty much insane since most people don't actually have fucking masters, and even if i had someone above me; none of the information he provided really applies in a practical way.

I'm thinking about continuing to read the book though, given the writers seemingly knowledgeable demeanor.

>> No.5860701 [View]
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When non-white people adopt white traditions and practices, it's labelled as "multiculturalism." When white people adopt non-white traditions and practices it's labelled as "cultural appropriation."

>> No.4958556 [View]
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I see you've mastered the art of the bad analogy.

Love the metaphysical claims about heaven and hell which you have absolutely no means of proving. There has never been any good argument on behalf of theodicy, I wouldn't expect you to come up with one now.

>> No.4220586 [View]
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>> No.3878263 [View]
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>Waiting to see where this thread goes

>> No.3412872 [View]
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>Slaughterhouse Five
>Time Travel or even Sci-Fi for that matter

>> No.3406340 [View]
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/lit/ pretends to know better because /lit/ is internally consumed with the knowledge of its own inferiority in the face of actually creative minds, so whenever /lit/ faces such a character, /lit/ seeks to destroy the faith in that individual - this is why you should never listen to /lit/ unless it's saying nice things (the true testament to a worthy comment on this board).

/lit/ isn't nearly as smart as it thinks it is. Criticising is easy: you just pretend that nothing is good enough for you and it'll make you sound like you know your shit.

All of these fuckers here who criticises geniuses can't write a short story worth reading.


>> No.3331803 [View]
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>Asking me to respect people who do not deserve my respect.

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