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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.10912002 [View]
File: 92 KB, 464x600, Evariste_galois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its super pseud material. imagine never getting laid, then thinking mathematics has a real world representation (it doesn't, all engineering uses numerical approximations) and somehow turning the tedious labour of discovering homomorphisms between the observations of the real world and some grossly oversimplified abstract topology in your head, into a religion.

except this religion gives you barely any status or prestige, no measurable power, no sexual attraction. only a self-serving narcissism (externally) and a deep self-loathing internally because you can't one up some guy dead for 300 years. if anyone ever tells you to read GEB ask them if they know about galois (died at 20, contributed more to mathematics than tens of thousands of mathematicians who came after him, and the millions of pseud-fedora tippers who jerked off to that book since).

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