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>> No.8605039 [View]
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Im not sure if this is the right board, and it will probably be bad for my sensitive creator's soul and ego, but I want to upload this anyway. Maybe you guys enjoy. Otherwise feel free to tell me whats wrong with it.

>Humans? Ofcourse I know those. I'll never forget them. What. You never heard of them?
Gronn readjusts his seat and sits up straight, exposing the scars on his scaled belly.
>Allright, you kids are in for a treat. Because those fuckers where quite the deal when they showed up. Long before your genetic code was written.
>When they first appeared on the intergalactic stage, I was still a captain of a small transport vessel. My passengers usually where low level government officials. Smalltime diplomats, ambassadors. Nothing special.
>That day we got orders to go to some backwards sector. A new species managed to make contact with one of our outposts, and the doctrine at the time was to send a diplomat first, to check out the situation and hopefully make some friends. You can never have enough, right? Ofcourse that was before we had the Plague. We were quite careless back then.
Gronn smiles faintly, while shaking his head.
>Anyhow. As we are warping -this was before the modern warp engines so it usually took around a day- I get in a conversation with the ambassador im transporting. Nice guy.
>He tells me about how he has done many missions like this and how usually the species that he comes in contact with are basically the same. Underdeveloped beings that are totally overwhelmed the first time he arrives.
>He had some nice stories about that too. Apparently he is seen as a god by some species he visited. They build monuments of him and everything.
>But i'm sidetracking here. What he told me... Showed me even, i'll never forget.. The message we picked up from these humans wasn't really meant for us, or anybody else. It was a very primitive transmission which contained no message... But sounds...
>Weird thing was, that these weren't just sounds, but sounds in a mathemetical order. Humans call it 'music'.
Gronn leans back, pride is in his eyes.
>I know it's hard to imagine, but there was a time we had no 'music'... And I was lucky enough to be one of the first Ravv's to actually experience that stuff.
>The moment I heard it... I... Im not gonna lie, I thought I was going to die. In a good way. I... It was like a warm wave of energy touched my counsiousness. It... Ah you little ones know what I mean, right?
>I mean, we knew what sound was ofcourse. Back then we already knew all the rules and mathematics within sounds and vibrations. But this, was entirely new. They somehow combined different frequencies and rythms into.. that. It felt like a beautiful insult to the laws of nature to me.
>Instantly I understand why this ambassador wanted this mission. This was something new. Something exciting. After hearing those sounds I expected to arrive to a immensely advanced civilization of some sorts.

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