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>> No.20288787 [View]
File: 345 KB, 672x372, Great-Marxist-Reset1-672x372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, Marxism is thoroughly Manichaen. Communism is the great reset - it doesn't give anything to man. It gives everything to the state. Communists believe they can usher in a utopia, without contradictions, if they just limited the accumulation of goods and services by everyone. The goal of Marxism, ultimately communism, is to turn everyone into a pauper and make the state one big poor house that everyone is dependent on - to become mindless, programmable cattle. According to the Communists, the gentiles, the goyim, must serve god's chosen ones because the Talmud tells the Jews, the gentiles, the goy, are inferior to god's chosen ones - the Jews. Its a struggle against the evil, cursed goys who god put here to test the Jews, to prepare them for their final solution to the Jewish problem of not having a nation ( a home), and the righteous Jews who have a god given right, according to them, to rule over the gentiles as cattle. Jews are kicked out of every country they live in because of their subversive mercantile character to make money above all else, and that forces them to be a parasitic class of sellers and usury. Merchants, in order to maximize their profitability, their earnings, they need stability. Jews believe if they just abolish class, the family, nations, culture, religion, war - all the things that ruin their ability to safely earn a buck off peoples' existence, they can usher in a utopia for Jews where they will no longer have to be a socially repugnant group of travelers, and they finally have a home to thrive.

Their Talmudic Manichaeism dictates that this day shall come when they control all sectors of commerce through state ownership, and that the final reassurance of this victory requires ideological monotheism (Judaism) through world revolution. Jews use their propaganda, their useful idiots to convince gentiles to do the work for them while they hide in the shadows, creating plausible deniability for their schemes. It works very well because slowly Jews have taken over cultural institutions to make it much harder for people to fight back because their ideas are seen as the status quo. The only way to fight this is to call out the Jew, the name, and deny him or her the chance hide their mischief, their schemes behind lemmings and gaslighting. Jews are Archons essentially. They serve an evil, demurgic purpose. They don't care how many people are killed in the pursuit the goals because they feel it bring them closer to ushering in their utopia here and now. To them, what doesn't kill them simply makes them stronger for their final assault on civilization. The Great Reset, the Great Replacement - Jews change their forms, but communism, world domination, is always their goal.

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