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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.21955071 [View]
File: 845 KB, 581x728, sexist skelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will they laugh at me if I tell them I'm writing a comic script...

But seriously, I've been writing, finishing and revising this for so long that it has become stale to me, to the point that I cannot bring myself to do the final revision and actually draw the damn thing. You really should strike the iron while it's hot. It also explains why some mangas go downhill after a while, their very authors just get tired of their own creation. Revision hell is creative death.

Looks like it's really best to do just one small self contained story rather than le big ebic DEEEEP multi-faceted nuanced morally grey LE MASTERPIECE. We get bombarded with tales of praise of these great writers and come to think we cannot afford to do anything less in order to be even considered, everything that's being made HAS to be the best thing ever or it's automatically shit. Expectations. We're asking too much of ourselves, nobody will make a great piece or even a good one on their first go. True creativity probably can only be achieved if art is treated as a hobby and not a job by he who pursues it unless you really are that exceptionally talented that you can live off of it, but I'll stop here

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