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>> No.22616381 [View]
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>Humanity… All of my suffering on this world has been at the hands of humanity, particularly women

name a greater opening line

>> No.20182600 [View]
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My family was poor as fuck when I was growing up. I'm not anymore because I was gifted with an unusually high IQ, precociousness, and an interest in learning that my parents did the bare minimum of encouraging. I can tell you from experience that 99% of poor people deserve their lot in life. They are crab-in-the-bucket scum, and the 1% of them that aren't can and will get out of it.

>> No.19918545 [View]
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I always judge a book by its cover. I have never been wrong so far.

>> No.19572955 [View]
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Jisa balls

>> No.18658383 [View]
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Which books are worth speculating on that are also worth reading?

I want to build a non-meme collection of expensive books that would likely increase in value in the future. What are your recommendations?

>> No.18258984 [DELETED]  [View]
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>> No.18017861 [View]
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Condorito BTFO Eternally

>> No.17816942 [View]
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I liked the following from Eclogue II from Virgil
>Habitarunt di quoque silvas,
>Dardaniusque Paris. Pallas quas condidit arces
>Ipsa colat; nobis placeant ante omnia silvae.

The gods have also lived in the forests as well as Dardanian Paris. Let Pallas (Athena) inhabit the citadels which she has founded. Let the forests satisfy us before anything else.

As for any recs, a lot of neo-Latin poets during the Renaissance wrote in this genre but they did it in a complicated style like Virgil himself. I suggest Dryden's translations if you want to dip your toes into it but, be aware, he took some poetic liberties so expect a lot of paraphrasing.


>> No.17785950 [View]
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he's defintionally as good a writer as I am

>> No.17684135 [DELETED]  [View]
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I hope you enjoy it.

>> No.17658327 [View]
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Cheers, may you be blessed with a harem of waifus

>> No.17657059 [View]
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The sickle in the Russian hammer and sickle is a symbol of ancient Roman God, Saturn, to whom some cults performed human sacrifices. In his Eclogues, Virgil associates the reign of the god Saturn with the Golden Age. The North Pole of Saturn has a huge hexagonal storm on it. At the center of the Star of David is a hexagon. The Jewish self-proclaimed “Messiah,” Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676), started a corrupt, antinomian cult called Sabbataeanism which inverted traditional Judaic moral norms and glorified sin. His first name, “Sabbatai,” means “Saturn” in Hebrew. In Jewish tradition "The reign of Sabbatai", the highest planet, was often linked to the advent of the Messiah. Karl Marx, infamous founder of Marxism, was a Jew.

Winston Churchill wrote of the Bolshevik Revolution in the Illustrated Sunday Herald of 8 February 1920, “With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of leading figures are Jews. Moreover the principal inspiration and the driving power comes from Jewish leaders.” The modern Frankfurt School of philosophy which worked through the Institute for Social Research was majority Jewish and was instrumental in creating critical theory, which is a new form of pseudo-Marxism for the masses, seeing societal structures as oppressive and seeking to critically analyze, deconstruct, and overturn all these systems of oppression. This is the root of modern obsessions like intersectionality, diversity, and equity.

Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830), founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, a group which infiltrated Freemasonry and sought to overthrow monarchies and the power of the Catholic Church, was Jesuit-trained. He specifically made ties with Frankfurt Masons, Frankfurt being the home of the Frankfurt School centuries later. Meyer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812), founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty, set up his banking house in Frankfurt c. 1764.

Centuries later, the Jesuits would start spreading liberation theology in Latin America starting in the 1960s, liberation theology being a combination of Marxist and Christian beliefs.

The end goal isn’t QUITE, as some /pol/-tards crudely portray it, “the destruction of the white race,” but the liquefaction of Western civilization, grinding it all into a homogeneous blob which can more easily submit to one-world totalitarian communist Judeo-Masonic rule by the UN, as Navy intelligence whistleblower William Cooper puts it.

>> No.17047060 [View]
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ianitores semen meum bibunt et merda ranarum magno cum gaudio edunt

>> No.16669138 [View]
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Mexinan Food
Ubisoft Games

>> No.16663355 [View]
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It is funny that both SjWs and Cath traditionalists have roots in German romanticism.

New Deal liberalism is the final red pill.

>> No.16660940 [View]
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Golden Trio

>> No.16600621 [View]
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Looks like we have a British aristocrat in our presence

>> No.16599534 [View]
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>> No.16414800 [View]
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te in caelō litterārum vidēbō, amīce

>> No.16406047 [View]
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funny coincidence

>> No.16385020 [View]
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>> No.16232309 [View]
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Women are whores

>> No.16208170 [View]
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>> No.16068492 [View]
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Nice dubs, I envy your haul
finding those antiquated books at such a great price is rare. great taste too

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