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>> No.14266900 [View]
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Just finished with Dune and curious why people like this novel. It was a crazy struggle for me to get through, but I forced myself to finish it because muh bestsellin SF novel OAT.

- Shitty writing style with annoying 3rd omniscient PoV and doubly-annoying intrusion of constant internal monologue.
- Boring characters with zero depth that I couldn’t give a fuck less about. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EightDeadlyWords
- Obvious plot direction presented in an uninteresting way. Vast majority of the book consists of boring characters sitting in a room talking to each other with some light action here and there. The characters are all dragged along with the plot and not vice-versa.
- Vignettes that begin each chapter too esoteric to understand or really care about
- Dialogue is usually poorly written and coupled with said problem with internal monologue often makes the scenes hard to picture.

Could someone explain why this novel is held in such high regard?

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