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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.12384483 [View]
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any books about the best way to spend your youth?

>> No.11760199 [View]
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something by Nicolo Samori

>> No.10698074 [View]
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>> No.10375801 [View]
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Recently seen a thread where some ill person essentially said anyone who reads for entertainment or reads fiction needs to leave this board. Can someone please tell me if this is genuine? Are people really that sick and fucked in the head? Can someone possibly be that miserable and deluded to think in this way? It's pretty astonishing stuff, really. Just blows my mind.

>> No.10357013 [View]
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When it comes to appreciating beauty, it stems from emotion, so it's one of the purest things out there. You don't need to analyze anything. You just appreciate it for what it is. You accept it and that's that.

It's sort of a "zen" way to look at it. Beauty is because it is. It's different for everyone, but everyone knows what beauty is to them, because they just know when they see or hear something they consider beautiful.

>> No.9155162 [View]
File: 865 KB, 1920x1080, nicoli samori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8441212 [DELETED]  [View]
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If God is good and all-powerful why does evil exist?

Have Christians managed to answer this yet? I always used to BTFO my family with this one, and the whole omnipotent paradox. i.e. Can god make a burrito so hot that he himself couldn't eat it?

>> No.8418506 [SPOILER]  [View]
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several. i actually spend a lot of time in /wg/. aka best board

this is just one.

>> No.7963418 [View]
File: 865 KB, 1920x1080, 6546119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flowers for Algernon

Something with how he loses himself, and is only faintly aware he lost anything to begin with, resonates deeply with my darkest fears. Watching him come to understand himself, just to lose it, shook me pretty good

>> No.7429214 [View]
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Same here.

>> No.7412275 [View]
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i.e George Orwell, Herman Melville

>> No.7232814 [View]
File: 865 KB, 1920x1080, nicolasamori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice/input would be appreciated.


Pic is a thank you to you guys. Just feeling thankful for some reason.

>> No.6594896 [View]
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Do you think God ever wonders at his purpose?

Does he ever question the nature of his own existence?

>> No.6546119 [View]
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>> No.6502600 [View]
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Anyone know any good books on Edward the First's conquest of Wales?

>> No.6429854 [View]
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>tfw free will doesn't exist

>> No.6274923 [View]
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Dumb, cut,
Drunk, slut
Punch, fuck,
Run, muck,
Stuck, rut.

>> No.6118605 [View]
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words are symbols, and words create stories. the amount and variety of symbols change the difficulty of an author invoking the story they mean to tell. every story has a setting, and each setting has a set of allowed symbols. the context of the reader might expand the set of allowed symbols. a reader from ancient rome could more easily understand a text from their time, just as a novel set in our modern age is more assessable to us.

moby dick in its time, as today, was a highly experimental novel. melville was attempting to create a new symbol, the whale. whales to the average american back then were alien. a creature from beyond imagining. the whale was a symbol then outside the scope of human comprehension, as aspect of nature smart enough to destroy man. but not just the body; tools, civilization.

how much of moby dick was fiction. the plot. the characters. but those are not symbols. the story was build on symbols, all of them existing in the real world. only the whale symbol was constructed by the novel. what then is real fictional fiction? one that constructs and uses it own symbols?

what novel or story is the most self contained in mythology? a story that creates its own history and uses that to create symbols. a story disconnected completely our own existential world.

>> No.5975917 [View]
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>> No.5810765 [View]
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I became a suicidal mess for two years, failed English three times. Got kicked out and I am now a neet but Literature is what honestly keeps me alive.

>> No.5407385 [View]
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Idk exactly I got the image from /x/ , I reversed image searched it and the result was wayne douglas barlowe if that helps, and he has a story about hell I believe

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