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/lit/ - Literature


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>> No.17136474 [View]
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At least when there's not a fucking pandemic on I can go to the bar and drink my sorrows away. 2020 has deprived me of that and it is ESPECIALLY shit for that reason.

>> No.16719016 [View]
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I still cannot get over what an absolute shitshow the election was. And it's not even done yet!

By the time all the counting, ballot dumps, recounting, lawsuits, rulings, etc. are done, at LEAST half the country is going to be convinced that the winner is illegitimate. This is going to crater America's remaining faith in democracy.

And even if Biden pulls it out, what does it matter? Republicans held the Senate. That means that not only is Congress going to do fucking nothing for at least two years, it also means there won't be any chance at all of court packing, which means that the 6-3 Supreme Court majority in the conservatives' favor will remain, FURTHER kneecapping Biden.

What an absolute fucking mess. I'm legitimately in awe. Every single thing about this has been fucked and America's about to get WORSE, not better.

>> No.15695124 [View]
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I miss Girardfag. He always used to post such interesting things.

>> No.15685497 [View]
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I wrote Gene Wolfe a letter five years ago. Then I wrote him another letter. Then I wrote him an email. He never responded to any of them. And then he died, and I'll never get to speak to him ever. I'll never get to tell him how much I adored The Book of the New Sun, how much that book meant to me, how I wouldn't be the writer and the poet I am today without reading it at a very important moment of my life.

I'll never get to tell Gene Wolfe about how much he meant to me, unless I meet him in Heaven. And it seriously bums me out.

>> No.14668840 [View]
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These threads and their content make me long for totalitarianism.

>> No.14178116 [View]
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>you will never make millions of dollars as a ghostwriter

>> No.13965907 [View]
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I once dated a beautiful girl, the most beautiful girl I've ever met. She kept wanting us to have sex, but I resisted, because I am a pretty devout Catholic; and, even more than that, I just kind of wanted to take things a lot slower than she did. I got the sense that she was a bit of a thot, but we had fun while we were together.

Unfortunately, she eventually left me precisely because she felt our relationship was moving too slow. She promptly got herself knocked up by some other guy. She kept the baby, and now she's a single mom. We still message back and forth from time to time, and she even passed through my home town once, and we met up.

I feel like if I told her how much I still think about her, we could get back together. But I really, really don't want to raise another man's child. All the cuck memes on this site have gotten to me, I have developed a pathological aversion to dating women with children. Fuck that. And yet, she still comes to my mind from time to time, sometimes vividly. Sometimes I think I might be on the verge of falling in love with her.

I really don't know what to do. If she didn't have a kid I'd be far less conflicted.

>> No.13920447 [View]
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I'm self-tutoring in Latin and it's giving me extreme anxiety. I've always struggled with languages, and the anxiety generated by my struggles is making it difficult for me to summon the motivation to push forward with my studies. I have a copy of Lingua Latina Volume 1, and I have a dual Latin/English edition of Virgil's Eclogues, but forcing myself through both is a struggle.

How do you make yourself study something you don't want to study, /lit/?

>> No.13843111 [View]
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>tfw Aquinas was going to write a treatise all about the errors of Eastern Orthodoxy but he died before he could get to it

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